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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    I’ve been asking this question for years, and unfortunately there are no good statistics to share about Graves’ patients and their experience with Lasik.

    A couple of things to consider, though. First, Graves’ Disease changes the quality of our tears. Whether or not we have TED, our tears are less viscous, much thinner, than the average tears. We can manage the resulting dryness with artificial tears ~ moisture in our eyes is key. When our eyes are chronically dry, we risk corneal ulcers and cuts that may result in loss of sight. Lasik also results in chronically dry eyes, so it could easily double your trouble.

    In addition to that, studies show that 100% of Graves’ patients have SOME level of TED, even if they do not experience the worst symptoms. Presuming that’s so, trauma to the eyes has the potential to increase antibody activity around the eyes, which could trigger TED symptoms.

    For me, it hasn’t been worth the risk. My doctor keeps asking, mentioning that I have "good corneas" and probably would have a good result from Lasik, but as soon as I remind them I have Graves’ and I don’t want to risk it, they shut my file and nod. I’ve asked them if they have specific info about GD patients and Lasik, and they don’t, so if the professionals don’t have specifics, I have little hope that the information even exists in any form I can use to make my decision.

    Let us know if you choose to do it, and how it turns out!

    Post count: 1


    Recently, I was diagnosed with GD- 6-8 months ago- My Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed 4 years ago but not treated because my physician at the time thought that my palpitations were not associated with the high thyroid levels. The only med that I am taking for my GD is Toprol and the only symptom I have is fast heart beat. I am currently 28 years old and depend on my glasses for reading, driving and most basic daily activities. For a long time, I have considered having Lasik surgery; however, now that I have been diagnosed with GD is when I can afford it.

    Please let me know what you think about having Lasik with known GD. So far, I do not have any eyes problem associated with GD.

    Thank you,

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