I am so glad I am not alone in this journey. I too have both Graves and Hashimotos antibodies. I went hyper a few months ago and am now coming back to a more normal range. But I sure don’t feel normal. Very tired, cold all the time, migraines, musle pain/weakness, constipation, and bad mood swings. I don’t have the anxiety that others have, but I get very angry and depressed at times.
I know some of the depression is from other situations going on in my life right now, but the thyroid problem does not help make things better. Some days I just sit and cry and want to hide from everyone. I am still working, but have some days I would rather be home than here. I have also found out that I more than likely have acid reflux on top of everything else. The only thing I am on is levothyroxine, 50 mcg 3 days a week and 25 mcg 2 days a week. Went to have my eyes tested since I was having problems seeing paperwork I would be working on and since it had been about 8 years since I had my eyes checked, but the glasses they gave me are still making things blury. Close up is good now, but far away is blury and am having headaches every since I got them.
I go back to the endo next month and will discuss what his ideas are. I am tired of the rollercoaster I have been on the last 2 years since I have finally been diagnosed. It seems like each winter, I end up going hyper and then takes months to get back to what should be normal. Don’t even know what normal is any more since I have felt so crappy for so long. I am seriously thinking of having him take it out so we can try to start with a clean slate. I have so much trouble with being allergic to different meds that I don’t want to go the antithyroid drugs, and RAI doesn’t sound like it is for me either. I am scared to have surgery since the only time I have had surgery, I had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia. But that was a long time ago at another hospital.
If you want, you can send me a PM to discuss more of what your experience has been like. It is nice to know there are others in the same boat.Hi, I am writing primarily to tell you I am so sorry that you are feeling so crappy. OF COURSE you want your life back! This is really hard for you. I am so glad you went to a neurologist.
Do write back when you get your MRI report back. Even if it is ok, the fact is that you have a ton of symptoms you don’t want.
It’s challenging enough to have Graves’ and Hashi. I hope the neurologist takes the time to get a good history, and you get to some good answers. I know this is probably not uppermost in your mind, but if you have an extreme Vitamin D deficiency, this does need to be addressed, as you GP advised. It can also be associated with other diseases, but you can check with your doc on that, probably not an issue.But your symptoms are impacting your life style and your health, so I hope you can doggedly continue to get a compassionate physician to figure out what is going on with you. In your case, with your labs in acceptable ranges, and not all your symptoms associated with either hyper or hypo anyway, I am hoping along with you that an diagnosis and appropriate treatment, will get you back on track.
I totally understand that you want your life back. And I believe you will get it!
I have been in the same position as you are not, but for different reasons and different symptoms! ShirleyThank you, Shirley for your encouraging comments. I always feel a little better after reading them!
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Hello, Some of you joined in on my first post found here: http://www.ngdf.org/phpBB3/ngdf/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41188&sid=e1311e44827f309b86293d0702352868. I’m wanting to connect with others who have been diagnosed with both Graves and Hashimoto’s disease. Though the last time they checked my levels they were with acceptable range, I feel as if my body is going crazy. The only medications I’m currently taking are betablockers though my GP wants me to take extreme Vitamin D supplements as I’m severely deficient. However, my endocrinologist also referred me to a neurologist who took me off the vitamin d until he gets an MRI back. My symptoms include: severe fatigue, weakness, difficulty falling asleep, waking up multiple times as night sometimes with panic attacks, always cold, migraines, some memory loss (I’m only 28), difficulty finding words, tingling and numbness at times in hands, feet, and face which is sometimes localized to a specific spot (i.e. finger or toe), running a fever off and on, blurry vision at times. This has been going on for quite some time and the past two month have been so bad, that I rarely leave the house. I’m a young, newly married, well educated, go-getter people person who either was working two jobs at a time or working 60-70 hours a week at one job and now I can barely leave the house because of all these ridiculous symptoms and no one seems to have an answer. I want my life back. Thoughts?
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