Are any of you out there battling the weight in addition to everything else? I have been on methimazole for 2 weeks- I am crossing my fingers that I will stop sweating soon – but I do not know how to drop this WEIGHT. People think people with GRAVES are all SKINNY. ” title=”Sad” />
Hello and welcome to the boards! If you do a search on this site for "weight" (located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen), you can see that many patients with Graves’ do struggle with weight gain.
However, at this point in your treatment, priority #1 is to get your thyroid levels stabilized. (And yes, when that happens, the sweating should get better!) Being in a hypER state can cause bone/muscle wasting as well as heart issues…so you *definitely* want to get that under control ASAP. Then you can start to focus on the weight issues.
In the meantime, focus as best you can on eating fresh, whole unprocessed foods. Keeping a food journal might be helpful as well. And feel free to post here with any questions…or if you just need to vent!
I gained 113 lbs with my pregnancy was diagnosed with Graves 6 months after I had my daughter so not sure exactly when I got it and I’m 60 lbs above my pre-pregnancy still. It is literally impossible for me to lose weight even with exercising and a healthy diet. I am also on Methimazole and Propranolol. I hope you get to feeling better soon and I’m sorry I can’t offer encouraging advice but my doctor doesn’t see any change in the future either ” title=”Sad” />I am in the same boat. I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease 7 years ago after my second pregnancy and now am 100 lbs overweight. Nothing I have tried to help me lose the wieght works. I have been pregnant 3 times since my diagnoses and will usually go into "remission" during the pregnancy but Grave’s reappears about 4 months after delivery. And with each pregnancy I had gain weight and kept in on. I am just as frustrated with this and am actually considering RAI to see if I can lose weight while dealing with HYPO issues instead of HYPRE issues. Good Luck!!
I was diagnosed with Graves 7 years ago also. I am in my late 40’s. I gained weight when I was "hyperthyroid and even more after I had radiation to "kill" my thyroid. Total I gained 75+ pounds. Losing the weight has been a nightmare. I finally have my labs under control and have had them that way for several years. I started a diet in February of this year and have lost 42 lbs. I FInally have had the energy and mindset to stick with it. I have been off my diet for the last couple of months and have not gained any of the weight back. Now to get back on it and get the other 50 off. You have to get to a stable point and be there for a while so that you start to feel good again before you can start thinking about dieting. I know with being stable for solong and losing the weight I have lost so far I feel 100% better. Hope this helps. Paula ” title=”Very Happy” />
I also have gained weight that I thought I would lose more quickly. Between that and the hair loss (very bad), I feel hit in the most vulnerable places for a woman! Someone mentioned sweating which continues to be a big problem for me, too, esp. during this awful NYC summer! I was not prepared for the assault on my body that this condition causes and feel that the doctor did not adequately address the possibilities. He said that things should be pretty much OK a year after beginning treatment (w/ synthroid). I am hoping that will work out. I keep saying that I am grateful it’s not worse….
I don’t know where you guys are at with your dietry side, just wanted to mention a couple of things.
When the body is in the disease state there are a whole lot of nutritional imbalances, which cause all sorts of issues like misplaced cravings where it is seeking a particular thing, like for example Magnesium which may well manifest as a chocolate craving but it gets a whole lot of fat & sugar at the same time. The other issue is that it can’t fully what goes in and just dumps things where ever it can causing inappropriate weight gains.
The best thing you can do is get as much healthy food in, like fruit and veg, get a big variety to expose yourself to lots of different trace elements. Restrict saturated fat intake and try to eliminate highly processed foods, eat only wholegrain carbs, white flour is pure carbohydrate and you don’t need that, you have enough fuel sources what you need is all the trace elements, enzymes and proteins to utililize the carbs & fats effectively. Suppliment with dietry fibre, most of us don’t get anywhere near enough, psylium husks & oat bran are great as they also contain lots of vitamins & cofactors and in addition it slows progress of foods through our gut allowing our body to better absorb nutrients and also binds Toxins on the way out and stop them being reabsorbed. Your diet must be balanced not restrictive, so any diet that says no carbs or only protein etc. is going to be bad in the long run.
Try to get some testing done to see if there is a particular nutrient you are lacking in then get appropriate supplementation to correct this. Graves causes a nutrient drain and it can take a long time to correct this balance, regardless of which treatment path you choose, get the Hyper symptoms under control by bringing down the Hormone levels, then attend to the nutritional side to help your body heal.
Good luck with it and I hope you can get something from my rambling.evazshure wrote:Are any of you out there battling the weight in addition to everything else? I have been on methimazole for 2 weeks- I am crossing my fingers that I will stop sweating soon – but I do not know how to drop this WEIGHT. People think people with GRAVES are all SKINNY. ” title=”Sad” />I AGREE, THIS IS ALL NEW TO ME AND IT IS TURNING MY LIFE UPSIZE DOWN, I HAVE GAIN SO MUCH WEIGHT AND I DON’T EAT THAT MUCH, SOMETIMES WHEN I DO EAT I JUST BREAK OUT IN A SWEAT AND PEOPLE JUST LOOK LIKE IT NOT HOT IN HERE, WHAT ELSA CAN I DO.
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