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  • Blessed
    Post count: 12

    Forgive me, some of this I’ve already stated in an earlier post but just incase others haven’t read that one I’ve included my info here too so as to get the best possible input from readers for these specific questions. Thanks to those who have already responded to me earlier!!!!!
    So as I’ve been reading many archive posts I’m a bit confused and a little concerned. I have no eye problems right now, but is it not at all avoidable with Graves? Or is it just from untreated hyper.?
    And…how long is too long to go untreated as a hyper, does it depend on your levels or is it a set time frame for everyone? I’m assuming it’s the levels b/c everyone’s body is different but I don’t know what my levels are.
    I’m a non smoker so I know that reduces my chances but I wondering if eye issues are just something to come no matter what. I’m on my way to my doctor tommorrow to see about RAI or continued Tapazole b/c I’m recently turned hyper again after a years remission. Should I be concerned about my eyes?
    Also, does anyone notice a difference with wearing contacts now that they have Graves. I’m wondering if it’s just the brand of contact or are my eyes really drying out, they don’t feel dry with glasses just with the contacts. I just finished reading the article that is a link on the home page about the girl who had Graves since she was eight years old and was now in high school and was going blind. SCARY!!!!! Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!

    Post count: 1569

    With Graves’ thyroid disease, our tears become thinner, less able to provide the right moisture to our eyes, so it’s important to use artificial tears to make up the difference. Use the kind without preservatives, just in case you find yourself in a particularly difficult environment (lots of wind, unprotected from sunlight, long periods on the computer, things like that). Some people have too much trouble to wear contacts, but I still wear mine and I do all right. It’s difficult for me to wear them from early morning until late night, but I can still get through a respectable day.

    Thyroid Eye Disease is something else entirely, and unfortunately there is no absolute time period where you can say "okay, if it didn’t happen yet, it won’t." The most typical occurrence of TED comes on within a year of the thyroid condition (before or after), but sometimes it happens without the thyroid disease at all, sometimes it’s 10 years out from successful treatment of the thyroid. It’s extremely random. I know that’s not easy to hear, but remember that the very worst symptoms of TED only happen to a tiny percentage of patients overall. Try not to worry too much about that.

    From our perspective, any time spent hyperthyroid without treatment is dangerous. Even subclinical hyperthyroidism can be harmful to the body over time (subclinical hyperthyroidism is when your T4 seems normal, but your TSH is too low, for an extended period of time ~ think months). Once you know your levels have gone outside the normal range, you really need to do something to correct it. The damage can be stealthy, and by the time you know you’ve got issues, you can be facing far more than is necessary.

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