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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    In all of my reading about Graves hyperthyroidism, and in my own experience, enlarged lymph nodes were not a symptom, nor an issue. I would nag the doctors about what IS causing this situation, and not assume that it is associated with too much thyroid hormone.

    Post count: 35

    Hi all,
    I was wondering if anybody has noticed that they have enlarged lymph nodes? I have had one on my neck that is getting bigger, but the 2 doctors that I have told about it have not seemed worried. I know that when your body is healing this sometimes happens, but I thought it usually corresponded with bacterial/viral infections which I know this isn’t. But I also just noticed this morning that I have one (or some?) swollen lymphs on my side, right under my armpits…which were uncomfortable and hurt a little bit. I was going to ask everyone here. My Dr and I decided to wait to see if it goes away after treatment, but if nobody has noticed anything similar I might call sooner.

    (Oh and I recently started methimazole <1 week, 15mg/day, but this started before that, so I don’t know if this is important/related)

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