I had the RAI March 20, at the 6 wk mark, Apr 29 my numbers showed me more hyper than what I was when I was first diagnosed in Feb. The course that was taken was doubling the dose of Methimazole I was taking for 1 wk then going back to the normal 20 mg a day.
Recent appointment (10.5 week after the RAI) was on Wed. Endo’s office called me today (I didn’t get my numbers) The labs show that I am finally starting to go down. I was still slightly high, but was told to take my normal 20 mg of Methimazole for the next 7 days, then only take 10 mg until the next appointment Jul 22. BUT..BUT..if I start feeling sluggish and cold, to stop taking the Methimazole completely.
I had a good report while I was at the appointment on my resting heart rate and BP. My resting rate had been 82-90 normally, they double checked it and I was at a 64 resting rate, and my BP was like 116 or 117/68. So..I was told I can cut down on the beta blocker. I forgot to ask if that meant 1 every other day or what. So was doing one every other day, just missing the dose 2x, and was able to clarify over the phone when I was given the good news. I am to take a 1/2 pill of the beta b until my next appointment in July.
I have noticed some discomfort with flushing heat on the top of my skin then going to cold in the space of minutes, did have a headache yesterday early evening, and felt yucky for a bit, but could have been symptoms of not having the beta? or just normal stuff for someone going peri? or thyroid hormone going down? PMS.
The suggestion of the symptom notebook is a good one. I’m going to do this.