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  • LillyL
    Post count: 25

    I am taking 15 mg Tapazole and now my TSH results show compatible with Hypo thyroid.
    What is going on? I am very confused and I sure could use your help folks with any information you can help me with.
    I thank you now in advance just for taking the time to read my posts.
    I am seeing my Endo on Friday thank goodness. I have been feeling very anxious more so than when I was hyper? maybe that is why.
    Kindest regards, LillyL

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Dosing with anti-thyroid drugs (Methimazole, carbimazole) is actually part art, part science. Our initial dose is generally based on the severity of our hypERthyroidism. After a few weeks, most patients will see their thyroid hormone levels start to fall, and when this happens, the doctor will reduce the initial dose to try and keep the patient from becoming hypO. It can take some trial and error to find the “sweet spot” that will prevent you from being hypER…without making you hypO. As you go through this process, make sure that your doctor is looking at your actual thyroid hormone levels (T4 and T3) and not just TSH. It’s helpful if you can get hard copies of your labs at each visit, so you can see for yourself how your levels are responding to the meds.

    If you are really feeling poorly, you might call the doctor’s office prior to your appointment, or ask if they can call you if they have a cancellation before Friday.

    Take care!

    Post count: 333

    Hello LillyL,

    I’m sorry to hear that you are now hypothyroid. I’m taking Methimazole and I’m also hypo. I was hyperthyroid in June and my Dr. started me on Methimazole 30mg/day. This made me hypo after 6 weeks. He changed my dose to 10mg/day more than a month ago because I was hypo but the labs I had done last week show that I’m still hypo and that my TSH is a lot higher now.

    Click here to check out my labs:

    I was supposed to see my Endo today but my appt got canceled. Now I have to wait 3 more weeks and I’m a little bit frustrated because even though they canceled my appt, they did not tell me what to do about my labs. It is very frustrating waiting to get euthyroid. How did it go on Friday? What did your Endo tell you?

    Caro :)

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