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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Yes, I too have downward gaze double vision and ground in prisms are working.
    Worked immediately with far distance and now well up close. Only get double
    when I am very tired or very relaxed. They work well. It’s al lot better
    than seeing 8 lanes on California freeways! Are your eyes gritty too?

    Post count: 93172

    I will be seeing Dr. Buckley, at Duke Un. Medical Eye Center, Dec 12, for
    consultation for my double vision (diplopia) problems. I am hoping at the
    very least to get some prisms so I can read better. My problem is downward
    gaze diplopia and many routine tasks become very complicated. Has anyone
    reading this a) been to Duke for consultation, b) been examined by Dr.
    Buckley, c) been treated for downward gaze double vision??
    Would love to hear from you and your reflections.

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