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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I just finished reading two hundred and sixty-six entries, and am very impressed with everyone’s insight and determination! All I can say is that most of what I have read is accurate. I could write forever on the emotional aspects of Graves’, but at this point I must comment that after consulting with the two members of our Board of Advisors who are psychiatrists, it has been decided that the National Graves’ Disease Foundation will take no action on the TV Guide entry. We will not dignify something that obviously has no concern for the nearly one million people with a disorder that is difficult to diagnose, difficult to treat, difficult to manage and difficult to live with! For those who do not encounter those difficulties (and there are many for whom Graves’ is just one small “event” in their lives), we are happy. For those of us for whom the difficulty level has been escalated, we can only hope to raise awareness and be available to each other for support. I am new to the Internet, but hope to visit often. See you in the Chat Room when it is ready. Nancy Hord Patterson, ARNP, PhD
    Executive Director, NGDF
    (Diagnosed and treated in 1987 – 8 mlc).

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