I see that the NGDF Conference info is up on the web site…would you recommend contacting the hotel now for reservations, or waiting until more info is up? I recall that last year, there was a direct link for booking that offered a discounted rate.
I like to get arrangements booked as far ahead of time as possible when I travel, thanks to my Type A personality. (Which, of course, made me an excellent candidate for Graves.
” title=”Wink” /> )
Hi Kimberly, I’m glad to hear you’re going to the conference again!
I’ll try to find out if there will be a more user-friendly way to make reservations from the web page, and if so, how soon that will be operational. I agree that it’s nice to get the details nailed down early. I’ve been looking at plane reservations; just can’t decide how much I want to pay or whether to wait to see if the prices improve.
Here’s an update on the Graves’ Disease Foundation Conference — starting Friday Oct. 16 at 9:00 AM (you may want to arrive Thurs if you are staying at the hotel) till Sunday Oct. 18, 2009.
Arrangements are being made to register for the Conference at the Graves’ Disease Foundation Website — http://www.NGDF.org and you will also be able to make your hotel reservations directly online also. In the meantime, you can send an email to the GDF stating that you are planning to attend. The agenda, topics, speakers, and "early bird registration" will be sent to you shortly.
Here is a brief overview of the Conference:
The Graves’ Disease Foundation will hold its 2009 national Patient & Family Conference on October 16-18 at the Ballantyne Luxury Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. Click here to see the hotel information: http://www.theballantynehotel.com.
The meeting is open to all patients and families members with Graves’ disease or other thyroid gland disorders.
The leading cause of hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease represents a basic defect in the immune system, causing production of immunoglobulins (antibodies), which stimulate and attack the thyroid gland, causing growth of the gland and overproduction of thyroid hormone. Similar antibodies may also attack the tissues in the eye muscles and in the pretibial skin (the skin on the front of the lower leg). Graves’ Disease affects two out of every 100 women but less common in men.
The Conference will focus on Graves’ disease symptoms & treatment, hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism, thyroid-related eye conditions; and an update on the latest Graves’ disease research. Also workshops on the emotional and psychological impact of Graves’ disease. You’ll meet other patients coping with Graves’ and thyroid-related illnesses.
GDF has a special discount Conference hotel room rate of $150 (a significant discount from the hotel’s regular rates)! In order to get all the details coming soon, send an email to Gravesdiseasefd@gmail.com.
Peter Filocamo, President
Graves’ Disease Foundatioin
Toll-free 877.643-3123Thanks, Peter and Dianne – I’ve never been to Charlotte, so I am very excited!
Update: Just got my room booked through the link on the home page. Kudos to whoever snagged the conference room rate: $150 vs. $450 per night. Score!
” title=”Very Happy” />
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the Graves’ Disease Foundation Conference — starting Friday Oct. 16 at 9:00 AM (you may want to arrive Thurs if you are staying at the hotel) till Sunday Oct. 18, 2009.
SIGN-UP NOW & SAVE! To register for the "EARLY BIRD" Special go to Conference at the Graves’ Disease Foundation Website — http://www.NGDF.org and you will also be able to make your hotel reservations directly online also. The agenda, topics, speakers are available.
Here is a brief overview of the Conference:
The Graves’ Disease Foundation will hold its 2009 national Patient & Family Conference on October 16-18 at the Ballantyne Luxury Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. The meeting is open to all patients and families members with Graves’ disease or other thyroid gland disorders.
The leading cause of hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease represents a basic defect in the immune system, causing production of immunoglobulins (antibodies), which stimulate and attack the thyroid gland, causing growth of the gland and overproduction of thyroid hormone. Similar antibodies may also attack the tissues in the eye muscles and in the pretibial skin (the skin on the front of the lower leg). Graves’ Disease affects two out of every 100 women but less common in men.
The Conference will focus on Graves’ disease symptoms & treatment, hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism, thyroid-related eye conditions; and an update on the latest Graves’ disease research. Also workshops on the emotional and psychological impact of Graves’ disease. You’ll meet other patients coping with Graves’ and thyroid-related illnesses.
GDF has a special discount Conference hotel room rate of $150 (a significant discount from the hotel’s regular rates)! Space is limited. Questions, send a note to Gravesdiseasefd@gmail.com.
Peter Filocamo, President
Graves’ Disease Foundatioin
Toll-free 877.643-3123We have an active local committee, comprised of the Charlotte Support Group. Adrienne Love and Laurie Eustis are the support group leaders. Adrienne did the site visit and got things started, and then Peter did the actual negotiating. AWESOME!
I am going to start another subject, and it will have to do with what topics you would like to have covered at the conference.
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