I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism/grave’s disease. the Dr said I was one of the small percentage of lucky ones that instead of losing weight – I gained it. I opted for the beta blockers for a good 18 months and then levels have been in the normal range since 1/05. I how ever still struggle with the weight—curious if anyone else had similar.
another note: while on beta blockers had somewhat of a rash start. Dr said it was med related so he switched me – well it wasn’t meds. after seeing family Dr, Dermatologist and then Allergist – they have come up with it is Dermatagraphism. Body is now producing too much histamine.
Looking to see if anyone else is having the same thing??
I have known a few people who gained while hyperthyroid ~ for one of them, it delayed her diagnosis for years, because the doctors took one look (even with her
eyes) and said "couldn’t be Graves’, you’re gaining." Terrible stuff. It’s unfortunate that Graves’ isn’t the same for all of us, because it’d be FAR easier to diagnose, treat and recover from. The symptoms we can experience vary WIDELY, and just adds to the difficulty in getting help.
I need to ask one thing ~ beta blockers really just mask the symptoms, the drugs we usually take to reduce thyroid hormone levels are methimazole or PTU, and those are the ATDs (anti-thyroid drugs) we refer to. Beta blockers are atenolol, propranolol (lots of –olols), and we usually only take those until our levels are normal, then wean off them. Did you really take only beta blockers as treatment? Have you had your thyroid hormone levels checked lately?
Not sure what to say about your skin condition ~ it hasn’t happened to me, and I haven’t heard it mentioned here before, but there’s a chance that someone else has had a similar experience and they’ll enlighten us all.
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I recently came out of remission and have not started back on my ATD’s yet.
Like you, I have a rash and and have gained weight. My Endo said that sometimes people will gain weight in the beginning of Graves with Hypo symptoms, however, they are actually Hyper! I do have other medical conditions that may be contributing to my weight gain. I had to take steriods (Decadron) during chemotheray treatments for cancer. However, I have not have chemo or Decadron since Nov. and I have still gained some weight since then. The last few days have given me hope as to losing some of this weight…. maybe my symptoms are starting to reverse… I finally lost 5 pounds in 3 days! I want to say YEAH, but I know it’s all for the wrong reason!
As far as the rash… my doc does NOT seem to think that it’s related to Graves, however, I had the rash when I was orginially diagnosed with Graves several years ago. I am convinced that it MUST be related!!!! Is it a coincidence that each time my Graves flares up that I get a rash??? And my rash is NOT on my shins, it’s on my stomach and back.
Now for my ATD’s…. Well I must admit that I’m kind of enjoying all of this energy that we get from Graves! I’m getting lots of things done that I couldn’t do from being so sick from the Chemo. LOL don’t worry, I have an appt with my Endo and do realize that it is a MUST that I start taking my ATD’s again.
I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease two weeks ago. Dr said I was one of the small percentage of people who gained weight — not losing it! I am trying to learn as much as I can before the 26th. I have an appointment with a surgeon to discuss removing my thyroid. My Endo said that because my eyes are involved and the high T3 levels that he felt surgery was the best option. If you have any great links — please pass them on…
Searching for anwsers……..Scorp wrote:I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism/grave’s disease. the Dr said I was one of the small percentage of lucky ones that instead of losing weight – I gained it.There have been quite a few threads on this board regarding weight gain. Given the number of Graves patients I know who are struggling (including myself), I’d say the weight gain issue impacts more of a "medium" pecentage than a "small" one.
I never had the "rapid weight loss" that so many other people apparently have. All I did was maintain my weight and maybe gain a few pounds. Now after 9 months on methimazole I’m starting to gain the weight that my dr. spoke about. Oh well, I joined a gym so hopefully I won’t have to buy new pants anytime soon!
Speaking of buying new pants, here is my theory: I’ve found that I will usually be as large as my largest pair of pants, so I refuse to buy a larger size. Instead, I do everything possible to fit in the size I now have. That way, it’s impossible to gain weight.
(I’m one of those who gained weight while hyper, naturally!)
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