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  • kit1960
    Post count: 16

    In addition to having GD, I also have TMJD. My oral/maxillofacial surgeon has had me on Tylenol w/Codiene for a few month now to control the severe pain that TMJD causes. In doing some internet research last evening, I discovered that persons with an underactive thyroid should not take Tylenol w/Codiene on a long term basis. My last set of lab work showed that my thyroid levels were low and the endo increased my Syntroid to speed things up. Opiate based pain relievers are okay to take short term, for example, after having surgery. Also, I can’t take Advil, Motrin, etc., as it kicks the GERD up and then I have to go back on Nexium. Has anyone else had this issue? I think I know now why I’ve felt so run down lately. Thanks! Kit

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