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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I don’t know about a Dr. that just treats autoimmune things since they can affect so many systems in the body. I.e. my mom has uveitis, an eye issue that’s autoimmune, that I am sure another doctor not trained in that field wouldn’t want to touch. You might be able to find a hospital based practice that supports and endocrinologist and a rheumatologist that know each other and would advocate for you with each other. I can’t remember where you live. A teaching hospital might be a good bet.

    Have you looked at any of the NIH web sites, NCBI, medline for statistics? You might google that question and click on scholar at the top to get papers that might help you out.


    Post count: 1324

    I understand your frustration: I hate being a big toe to one doctor, a thyroid to another, and eyes to a third. But there are no doctors that treat "autoimmune" disorders across the board. Graves affects the thyroid (endocrinologists), the skin (dermatologists) and the eyes (opthamologists). Lupus requires a rheumatologist or a dermatologist (or both — my best friend has the discoid version that is only affecting her skin at the moment).

    Post count: 127

    Does anyone know if there are doctors that treat both of these at the same time? I was sent to a rhuemy for Lupus and an Endo for Graves. Now, seems logical to me that if they are both autoimmune disorders, wouldn’t they have a Dr. that treats all auto immune disorders? Any ideas?

    And does anyone know what the percentage is for Graves and Lupus together? Thanks Rhonda

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