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  • Gabe
    Post count: 182

    @Boomer. Appreciate the reference. I will definitely research that before stopping these cold turkey. I only take one each day at bedtime…OK…I lied….there have been a few rare days when I took one in middle of day because anxiety was so bad. This is my definite next goal. These drugs generally scare me. Thanks again for sharing your experiences. Much respect for people who have overcome addiction struggles..

    ….Arrivederci! (I’m sure I’ve botched my lame attempt at Italian). I love Florence… Enjoy every moment. No extra dressings needed at all. The same steri strips from the surgery all still covering the site. Was told to shower as normal and do nothing to the site area. I find wearing nothing around my neck area is most comfortable. Button up or V neck shirts. The wound is starting to itch a little which is good…sign of healing. I don’t cover it at all…girl at the grocery store asked about it today and I used the line Kimberly recommended….told her I got caught in a bear trap. Her jaw dropped and the guy behind me busted out laughing. We all had a good chuckle. It honestly doesn’t look like much but a few inches of steri strips. Puddings, Popsicles, Gelato, are all nice but I have not had to change anything I’m eating. I have been able to eat anything since the night of surgery! Swallowing at times is different but hasn’t stopped me.

    . Thanks….yeah the anxiety of not knowing is frustrating but manageable. Can’t wait to see my first labs. Sad and funny the things we look forward to!

    Cheers all,,,


    Post count: 182

    Two weeks post-op:

    Generally feeling OK. Heart is not racing so haven’t taken the beta blocker since first week. I’m on 50 mcgs of Levothyroxine but on my own I’ve upped it to 75 (1 and 1/2 pills) starting two days ago. I just feel its too low of a dose to start with. I see my endo on 6/25 and will get labs done on 6/21. He probably won’t be happy with my self-medication.

    Biggest complaints: feel really good for a day or two and the crash with zero energy the next day. Inconsistent energy levels and I believe I tried to do too much these first two weeks.

    My surgical site is itching and I can’t wait to get these steri strips off on Monday 6/17. They haven’t budged and are still firmly in place. It’s getting easier to turn head in all directions. Swallowing is almost normal. Voice has been normal since day two. Sneezing is the worst but gets easier.

    Forgot to mention something in initial posts for those of you contemplating TT. The recovery nurses mentioned that my surgeon’s patients never have problems and they always see great results, especially since he ‘doesn’t use a drain’. Evidently there are some surgeons who insert a drain in the neck, which I cannot imagine. Must add to discomfort and pain, not to mention risk of infection. Not sure I would want to use a surgeon who uses this technique. Just my opinion.

    Still very happy with my decision and looking forward to upcoming surgeon and endo appointments.

    Have a great day!


    Post count: 439

    Thanks for the updates, Karen….. keep ’em coming.

    I read somewhere (during my countless hours of research) that some docs use drains and I couldn’t imagine how or why!

    It’s amazing how many stupid, little details I’m already worrying about during the day of surgery. Not the normal, important stuff that the average person would think about. No, I’m worrying about how soon after the surgery I can get a cup of coffee so I don’t have to feel the awful caffeine withdrawal! If I have to stop eating and drinking at midnight the night before, and since I want to get a good night’s sleep the night before I will probably have my last cup of coffee at 6:00 p.m., that could mean I might not have coffee again for 24 hours! I’m not sure since I’ve never gone that long without it but that sounds like a major caffeine-withdrawal headache to me!

    Maybe if I worry about and write down the trivial worries now I can focus on the big stuff as it gets closer. LOL

    Post count: 182

    Hi all.. just returned from my post-op visit with my wonderful, magical surgeon. He’s the bomb! Been looking at my new scar ever since. My steri-strips never budged so today was the unveiling. Not bad..about 2-1/2 inches long. Can still see some of the dark colored sutures that will dissolve over time.

    He said there’s no scientific proof that any creams help with the scar and healing but if creams make me feel better, than by all means use them. I may try something but so far it doesn’ t look bad at all. Given I’m 54 and a little wrinkled it just fits nicely into one of my folds!! haha

    He suggested I keep up a calcium supplement and check with my Endo even though my labs were fine in post-op.

    He’s giving me a few more days to rest up and I’ll be back to work on Monday, 6/24. Kind of like being off work after 32 years with the same company and not missing more than a few days in all those years…

    The shocker… pathology of the thyroid indicated that there was a goiter and they found cancer… very small amount… think he called it micro-papillary. So small it could only be detected under a microscope. Was not expecting that. Another great reason to get rid of this thyroid…confirms my decision!!! A little disconcerting to know that cancer was lurking in my body. Be gone for good I hope!

    Have felt consistently good for about 3 days. Still anxious for the hypo-crash but no indications as of yet.



    Post count: 195


    Good choice to get it taken out.

    Now you are cancer and thyroid free and ready to resume your life!!

    Keep on keeping on!!


    Post count: 4294

    Wow, that news has to be a bit unsettling…but it’s really fortunate that you made the decision for surgery while the cancer was still in a “microscopic” stage.

    Take care!

    Post count: 439

    Wow – what a shocker —bet you didn’t see that “C” word coming! Such bad news and good news in the same visit. Bad that it was there, GREAT that it’s now gone. Makes me even more happy that I’m having mine taken out in a month. I have had a goiter for over 20 years . . . who knows what’s lurking in there.

    Glad you’re feeling so good. I am actually really looking forward to the valid excuse to take 2-3 weeks off from work, especially in July. :)


    Post count: 1909

    Enjoy being off work! You probably will be surprised at the stamina and endurance you don’t have! Just cause you are going back to work on 6/24, does not mean you are back to baseline.
    Glad things are going so well. And with your additional news, super nice that you had the TT!

    Post count: 62

    Wow about the cancer! Another reason I prefer having it taken out to RAI…

    So my surgeon uses a drain…he said it can help to prevent blood clots. I did some reading and thoughts seem to go either way. Not looking forward to it, but if he thinks it might prevent a clot guess that is what we will do!

    I loaded up on “scar creams” – hoping I won’t need them, but with the vitiligo, I figure it can’t hurt…4:45 AM, head to surgery at 11…I woke up at 3 and had been told no food/water 8 hours prior do I got up and had water and a mini doughnut since I can’t see having nothing before 1:00. I wake up starving – at least ill get a small amount of water with my meds – gonna go try and sleep for another hour;)

    Post count: 1909

    Don’t worry about the drain. In your situation, it is a good decision, not a bad one. It is a tiny,soft rubber tubing, so if there is extra oozing after the surgery, it goes to the outside, rather than building up in you. Best wishes for today.

    Post count: 182

    Hi all,, just a quick update. Three weeks post TT and beginning to feel slightly hyPO. Feeling the fatigue, eating more yet very little weight gain, muscle weakness, and general lethargy. Some bursts of energy but nothing sustained.

    Return to the Endo on 6/25…am anxious to see my labs. Fully anticipate he will up my Levothyroxine from 50 mcgs to something higher. Plan to ask his opinion on Armour.

    For the past 3 days my eyes have been at their worse for double vision. Not sure what that’s all about. See what Endo says and plan to make appt with Ophthalmologist. Very annoying since I love to read and most of my work is on a computer.

    I return to work tomorrow and am a little nervous. Especially if my eyes are not cooperating and my energy level is so low. I’m hoping this is a temporary set back that will be corrected with an increase on my Levo or a change to another type of hormone.

    Scar is healing nicely. Most people don’t even notice it. Itches slightly and can feel that some of the stitches still need to dissolve.

    Thanks for all the support and feedback. Forever grateful!


    Post count: 439

    Thanks, Karen, as usual, for the wonderful updates. I’m following closely since my TT is scheduled for July 16th.

    So you took a full three weeks off work, right? I am going to go down and talk to our HR person one day this week to discuss short term disability and was debating if I should estimate two weeks off or three weeks off. There is, of course, no way of knowing how we’re going to feel 2, 4, or 6 weeks after TT but I am assuming that I will probably be capable of returning to the office after two. However, I can almost guarantee that I will not be “myself” in only two weeks…..not to mention I don’t even know what “myself” should feel like anymore.

    Are you on short-term disability? Can you take another week or so off? Or can you go back just a few hours a day and wean back in? My estimate for what I’ll do is either 2 or 3 full weeks at home, and then half days for whichever week I return. I’m fortunate in that “my boys” at the office will let me come and go as I need to but I still would like to give the HR department some idea of how much I’ll be out.

    I can’t imagine going back to work while your eyes are bothering you. Not only will that be incredibly difficult, it’s going to exhaust you. My vote, if possible, is to extend your time at home a little longer.

    Please keep the udpates coming.

    Post count: 182

    Hi Sue, I have a very generous sick leave plan and could probably take off a lot more. I’m also blessed with a work environment that allows remote working and a lot of flexibility. I plan to work from home 1 or 2 days next week and for weeks to come while I’m still adjusting. It’s more my guilt feeling about not being at work then the benefits. I’m determined not to sacrifice my health however.

    I probably felt good enough at the 2 week mark to start the RTW, but the surgeon was nice enough to write me off for another week.

    So we’ll see what tomorrow brings and what my Endo says on Tuesday. I too am curious to meet my new ‘normal’ self! Hopefully she arrives soon!


    Post count: 182

    Sue,,, forgot to mention something else. I believe the ‘standard’ practice is to schedule a post op visit with the Endo at the 6 week mark. Based on how quickly I’ve heard others swing hypo and my sisters experience with going hypo so quickly after her RAI, I chose to make my appt at the 3-4 week time. Glad I did. Would rather adjust meds at the beginning of the hypo cycle then later. Just a thought.


    Post count: 1909

    Hi Sue and Karen
    Gabe-glad you labs are soon. Hope you can retrieve the results soon, as well.
    Seems you have two issues going on, and you have addressed both of them. I imagine he will increase your thyroid dose, too.

    Regarding your eyes, it is a very use idea to find an ophthalmologist who is very familiar with TED. I suggest a neuro-ophthalmologist. I can relate 100% to work and double vision. That is when I had to stop working. All the numbers on the computers and monitors were jumbled, and I could read them.

    Sue, I suggest you explore FLMA-much easier to get. To define them, and the subtle differences, is too complex for this venue, and it is also very dependent on the employer, the % you work, how long you have been there, and a lot of other stuff. As a global statement, FLMA protects your position.
    Generally, with any situation like this, the only resource for accurate information is the HR department where you work. You usually have to exhaust all sick leave days, and in some places all vacation days, before FLMA kicks in.

    I think you are already thinking in the right direction in regard to your own situation. Just gather information about which term to use.
    I stayed out from TT two weeks, no complications but going back full time the third week to a very busy job, where I was on my feet every minute, working hard (as an RN on a med/surg floor) was a BIG mistake. I was exhausted beyond any exhaustion I had ever felt. I think your plan of 2-3 weeks, more toward 3, and going back 1/2 time is perfect!

    Let us know how it all goes.


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