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  • Darcy43
    Post count: 125

    Hello. I’ve been feeling good as of late, but now I seem to keep a dry mouth and things taste “funny.” Not metalic, but just weird. Even the texture of things are a bit different. Did anyone ever experience this? I don’t know if this is an affect of GD, but I was wondering. My lymph nodes are swollen also. I have been a bit stressed at the job. My doctor said they didn’t find anything but I may be trying to fight off infection of some sort. Sinus, perhaps? The last thing I need is something else. I know the Methi weakens the WBC so you are prone to infections, but come on…always something.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – change in taste is one of the potential side effects that can come with methimazole. If this continues to bother you, I would definitely keep mentioning this to your doctor — and possibly your pharmacist as well to see if they have any suggestions.

    Take care!

    Post count: 125

    Thanks for the feedback Kimberly. I had not ideal and never saw that listed as one of the side affects. I thought I was losing my mind..well actually…

    Post count: 491

    Methimazole didn’t make me lose my mind, but it made me lose my hair some :P I just remember it really thinned out quite a bit. I hope your taste buds get normal again!


    Post count: 125

    Oh yes I have posted about being almost bald, until recent. It finally stopped coming out (my hair). I still do not have the courage to wear it down because it is so thin looking, but here is to hope. Good luck. It bumped me into hypO (I feel – the weight gain is horrid) but I am taking it one day at a time.

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