When was your RAI? If your levels haven’t started to normalize I don’t know that this is the time to try and start to loose weight. I have been on my hormone replacement for about 7 weeks and I started doing my WW again on my own just to try and get my liquid in and to get my emotional eating under control. I have lost about 5 pounds but don’t expect it to go much further yet as I can’t really exercise on any consistent basis yet. I know that I am way weaker than I was before I got sick about two and half years ago so I expect it will go slowly. I am focusing on feeling better even though my extra weight is bothering me. I know that my bowels aren’t back in shape either so I get bloated and have troubles. I expect that’s from still being hypo right now. I will go up on my dose again next week. I was told that it would take at least 6 weeks for my synthetic hormone to build up in my system so that my body could have a more reliable supply. There are lots of ideas about how to loose weight when you are hypo or have been hypo. The about thyroid web site has lots of things about weight loss. You might try looking there.
I hope you start to feel better soon.
Until your levels are truly well-regulated, weight issues can remain. The best thing you can do for yourself, once you’ve been cleared to exercise, is to get an appointment with a good physical therapist. Have them evaluate your current strength levels, and develop a rational exercise plan to get you back in shape. You may not be able to do a lot right away (your strength may be FAR lower than you imagine), but every little bit is another step along the way.
As a second part of the plan, do your best to make REALLY good food choices ~ nutritionally dense, low-calorie, low-fat and high-fiber choices, which mostly means fresh produce, low-fat meats, and very few processed foods. Between the good food choices and the exercise, that can take you a long way toward meeting your goal.
We DO understand, we’ve been there! In the meantime, visit your local Goodwill or Salvation Army and get a few clothes that REALLY fit you, because it will inspire you to move and exercise more if you’re not constantly battling against your waistband, and you won’t have to spend a lot on clothes you won’t need for long.
You’ll get there!!
” title=”Very Happy” />
when does the weight start coming off, i’m usally 130lbs, now i’m like 210lbs. omg, i’ve tryed every thing, nothing works, since rai i can look at food and gain wait. please someone give me some suggestions.
thank you so much. i love this site. everyone here understands.” title=”Neutral” />
Hello – I know the weight issue is frustrating! I am cutting and pasting a post from another thread below, as this info might be helpful.
Best of luck!
As for the weight issues, we had an interesting presentation from a nutritionist during one of the breakout sessions. She utilizes Metabolic Testing to check the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) of her clients. This is the amount of calories that our bodies consume at rest to keep our heart, lungs, etc. working.
She provided one example of an actual client wo had RAI and is on replacement therapy. There is a "standard" calculation based on weight, height, and activity level that many people use to determine RMR. However, she found that this woman’s RMR was actualy about 150 calories a day *less* than the standard. I wanted to say, "THANK YOU!!!!!" *Finally*, someone acknowledges that even though our levels might be "normal", our metabolism might be different than it was before. It’s still all about calories in vs. calories out, but the degree of difficulty goes up a notch for those of us who have had thyroid trouble.
If you are interested in getting your RMR measured, the presenter said that the Charlotte YMCA offers testing…so other local YMCA’s might also offer this service. I think my doctor’s office does this as well, so I am going to check it out.
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