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  • Carito71
    Post count: 333

    Hello everyone.

    I have a question.

    Does anyone know if it is possible to go from Graves’ to permanent Hypothyroidism by simply taking Methimazole? I know that hypothyroidism is the end result with a thyroidectomy and RAI but can that also be the end result for when taking Methimazole (no TT/RAI)? Can one take Methimazole for a while, develop permanent hypothyroidism, stop Methimazole, and start synthroid for life?

    My General Dr. made a comment a couple of weeks ago that, later on when I was thinking about it at home, led me to think that perhaps that was the case in some cases. She said something about “eventually the thyroid will die out”. She thought that my Endo should not have lowered my Methimazole as much as he did and she said that I should call him and have him increase the dose or that I could just take more of the Metoprolol to handle the symptoms better and wait … “eventually the thyroid will die out”.

    I haven’t researched this yet nor have I called to ask. I will probably ask my Endo in a couple of weeks when I see him but until then I’ll be researching. Any input is greatly welcome.

    Thank you!!
    Caro :)

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Sometimes you hear the term “thyroid burnout” thrown around in relation to Graves’ disease. However, at our 2009 conference, one doc commented that he believes this is a myth. While some patients do eventually see a reduction in thyroid function, he stated that our antibodies – which originally acted to *stimulate* thyroid production – may eventually start to act in a *blocking* capacity.

    I spoke to another doctor this year at a conference for physicians, and he noted that some patients have both Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis…and that Hashi’s instigates a *destructive* process in the thyroid gland that eventually leads to hypothyroidism.

    So while permanent hypothyroidism is a *possibility* after a period on ATDs, it’s not a given.

    Post count: 30

    Be very careful! I had a General Practitioner give the same advice in 2003. He didn’t believe in thyroidectomies and that my thyroid would “just eventually burn itself out.” He was very convincing. . . convincing enough that I ignored the Endo’s advice to have a thyroidectomy.

    Long-story-short, years of perplexing physical problems, eventual TED, sky high antibodies, tachycardia, near thyroid storm, etc.

    Is your GP basing the dosage advice on your thyroid hormone levels or just general principle? Did your Endo explain to you (and did you understand) the reason for the dosage adjustment? Did it make sense after they showed you the test results and explained? Have you been tested for the Grave’s and Hashimoto’s antibodies? (I’d insist on this one)

    Also, you can go in and out of remission after Methimazole treatments, or even after no treatment. Very frustrating, I know.

    The best advice I can give is what you appear to be doing. Do your homework. Write it all down, print out articles, and take written questions to the doctor appointments. Have hardcopies of your test results so doctors can’t tap-dance around and confuse things.

    I’m not a doctor. I’m just a fellow thyroid compadre.

    Hope all goes well in your treatments.

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