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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    What I understand is that iodine is only used in the body by the thyroid to make thyroid hormone ~ if you have no thyroid, iodine cannot transform into thyroid hormone, so it should be safe for you to ingest without any trouble. When you are still hyperthyroid, or when you are preparing to have RAI treatment, kelp is just about the only food with enough concentrated iodine to adversely affect you, for whatever reason (if you are actively hyperthyroid, it’s like throwing gas on a fire, and if you are preparing for RAI treatment, you don’t want to "use up" your thyroid’s iodine capacity with OTHER forms of iodine), so I can see why you’d be advised to avoid it at those times. Now, you probably do not have any concern with ingesting it. If you’re very concerned about it, talk with your endocrinologist.

    Post count: 2

    I was diagnosed with Graves 15 years ago. I was radiated twice, have had four eye surgeries for TED, have had severe pretibia myxedema for 12 years and now have thyroid acropachy (swelling of the fingers). All that being said, my current doctor has advised me to not only avoid drinking water with fluoride, but wants me to do a "fluoride detox". She advised me to use kelp which contains iodine, however, I had to take pause, thinking back to what I think my past doctor advised which was stay away from iodine since I technically do not have a thyroid any longer.

    With my thyroid being totally radiated and dead, will iodine have any adverse effect on my Armour medication? And if so, is there another way to achieve fluoride detoxification safely?

    Any insight would be greatly appreicated.

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