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  • Stymie
      Post count: 195

      All day at work my eyes kill me. Dry irritated painful. I leave work and come home and my eyes feel so much better. I wAs thinking it was du to staring at a computer screen all day.

      I’m thinking its the fluorescent lights. When I go to the school to use the walking track, my eyes hurt. Today at work my eyes were killing me. I ended up putting on my sunglasses and that helped.

      Any theories on this? Could the fluorescent lights be hurting my eyes?


        Post count: 160

        I had a similar experience at my office. The greenish glow of the cheap tubes above my desk made everything harder for me to see. Finally I got irritated one day and climbed up and replaced them with 6500k daylight bulbs from Lowe’s. Probably the best $14 I ever spent. My plant likes them too. Lol!

        I have never done any research on this but since then I can see true colors and my eye strain has reduced in severity. Most of my work is done on an iPad now and that took a month for my eyes to get used to. If you think it may be the computer, try adjusting the resolution on your display. Sometimes that can help.

        Hopefully someone else will chime in with their experience.

          Post count: 5

          I can relate! The lights at work and the computer screen that I look at all day “burn” my eyes. I have adjusted my computer settings and at times put my sunglasses on as well. On bad days my coworkers will find me sitting at the desk with the lights off for some eye relief.

            Post count: 33

            Hi Stymie,

            Yes, ‘mild thyroid ophthalmopathy complaints include photophobia (sensitivity of light), foreign body sensation, and increased tearing’ are common. This link from the University of Iowa’s Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences explains clearly the process involved in TED symptoms.

            Sunlight, fluorescent light and incandescent light all can cause discomfort and polarized sunglasses, changing indoor light sources to less harsh lighting and using lubricating eye drops or ‘artificial tears’ can all help. But it’s always good to have it thoroughly investigated as everyone’s process is different.

            I have your symptoms but have never gone on to develop more severe eye symptoms. I had a CT scan and a consult with an Opthamologist to rule out more severe complications and they will monitor it at quarterly intervals.
            I find sleeping elevated on a few pillows, drinking lots of filtered water and eating a low sodium diet also help keep eye puffiness at bay.

            Ms Lux

              Post count: 326

              The fluorescent lights started bothering me after my TED onset as well. My co-workers were kind and let me unscrew the lights above my cubicle. There were days when I had to wear my sunglasses at my desk, though. See if your co-workers/management would mind you unscrewing or even replacing the lights near your desk with my TED-friendly ones.

                Post count: 195

                Thank you ll kindly for your responses.

                I’m hoping maybe I can either unscrew the light bulbs or possibly replace them.

                I will try to talk to my boss tomorrow..

                Thanks again!


                  Post count: 339

                  For years I have had problems with these lights and my eyes are very bright green so the doctors at first, told me it was my eye color that caused the sensitivity. I don’t know if that’s true or not.

                  When I go into a mall, sometimes things can look very blurry in the distance – like a fog. I also see Halos around lights at times.

                  I assumed it was Graves’ so I went to the doctor and he said I have 2 cataracts growing! I was shocked seeing I am only 50ish. He said they are too small to operate right now so maybe in about 2 or 3 years.

                  You would be surprised to know that he told me cataracts are common in 40 year olds as well.

                  Just my take on it. I have dry eyes too but upon extensive examination, he found no evidence of Graves’ eye involvement. Phew..

                    Post count: 74

                    I was just discussing this with Endo#3 yesterday. Since the TT, my eyes have been much better except when I am visiting clients in office buildings or doctors in hospitals.

                    I have been attributing the eye dryness at these places with the quality of the air, not the lighting.

                    Another thing to consider when the dryness “strikes.”

                      Post count: 20

                      My eyes are soooo sensitive to flourescent lights as well. Sunlight can be bad too.
                      I wonder if there are inside glasses that are not sunglasses?????
                      I have an appointment with my endo on Monday and I will ask for solutions.
                      I did get a wedge pillow to keep me propped up at night,,,,,,just woke up with a neckache…..but it is good for reading before bedtime.
                      Keep the answers coming, I need all the help I can get.

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