Hi there,
I’m not sure if they have the flu shot in the US or anywhere else but I live in Canada; they offer it here and I was thinking it might be a good idea to get it done since having an auto immune disease makes us susceptible to other illnesses too and like most of you I can’t afford to get any sicker. What do you guys think? Has anyone had the flu shot and do you think it helped you?
Before the online facilitators get at me,let me save them the trouble: I already know that noone on here is a doctor and I don’t want medical advice just an opinion please or to share their personal stories
I don’t get the flu shot- not because of Graves- but because I don’t think it’s worth it. There are so many strains of the virus and they mutate easily. So, the shot you get is specific to the strain that is in that particular vaccination. It might lessen the severity and length, but I just don’t feel the need to get the vaccine. I am a healthy, 38 year old (other than Graves, although I’ve had a thyroidectomy and am healthy now in that regard) so, I opt out of it.
With vaccines, I think it’s important to look at each individual instead of making a blanket statement that EVERYONE should get them or not get them. All four of my children have had different reactions to vaccines- whether no reaction at all, to mild, to worse. Depends on the body. Maybe look at your over all health and situation and weigh the pros and cons.
Come to think of it, I did read somewhere that people with immune system disease/ disorders, should not get vaccinated because of the weakened immune system. I did read that people who live with those with weakened immune systems should get the flu shot though as to avoid bringing it into the home and getting the person with the weakened immune system sick. Again, I’m not a doctor and am not suggesting you avoid the vaccine, but having your family vaccinated to help you might be a good idea if you choose not to get vaccinated.
And I am the polar opposite of Alexis! And we agree on lots of stuff! (:
I would not dream of not getting the flu shot. There is a lot of thought and research that goes into it. I think being healthy has little to with preventing a person from getting the flu. Although being compromised, due to other illnesses, being elderly, certain medical conditions, it is even more important.
I think that the retrospective history, especially with the flu epidemic of 1918, when thousands and thousands died, with a higher percentage of young, healthy males who were serving in WW1, pretty much disproves that being young and healthy is a disadvantage. From my personal world, I had five healthy male relatives in WW1, and they ALL died in this epidemic.
Of interest, RIGHT NOW, we have a whooping cough EPIDEMIC (as determined by the CDC, with several deaths, of adults and babies.) Why the epidemic? Because we have pockets of communities, especially on some of our islands in the San Juans, who absolutely do NOT believe in any vaccinations. And teen agers have been hit especially hard, too. This is all public information.
Right now, we have a huge drive to get people vaccinated. One of the big reasons, is that babies cannot be vaccinated before a certain age, and they are totally vulnerable to getting whooping cough from unvaccinated adults.
And several babies have died.So, enough said. I realize there is room for lots of different views, but this is my view, and based, I think on evidence based data.
For you information, here is a reliable reference from the CDC for you to read for 2012-2013 shots. At the time this was written, they had not finalized the research on which strains would be in this years vaccine for the 2012-2013 flu season.
My two cents! (:
ShirleyAnd, it is my understanding that people with compromised immune systems, whatever that means (we can have an autoimmune disease like graves, and not really be immunocompromised (like people on chemo, or who have had bone marrow transplants,)
Anyway, all the more reason to get a flu shot.Again, there certainly is a segment of the population who do not agree with this. There have been some interesting conflicts about this in hospital and similar settings, for some health care providers, not many, try to opt out. This whole business has ended up in courts. Generally speaking, the institutions off the flu shots,a nd want everyone in direct patient care, to get them, to protect the patients.
ShirleyThanks for your responses everyone!
for what it is worth, I warned by Cleveland Clinic NOT to get flu shots. This is not my advice just what I was told by the endo.
He claims the flu shot can/could manifest itself in the gland and cause it to go either hyper or hypo. I, personally, do not want to take a chance as I am ill enough. Hope this sheds alittle light coming from Cleveland Clinic
This is a personal decision that you and your doctor will need to make. A presenter at our 2009 conference in Charlotte said that he believes the benefits of getting a flu shot outweigh the risks. However, as you can see, there are many different opinions and approaches.
Because I’m on methimazole, I’ve been cautioned to not get a “live” vaccine or be around anyone who has had one. However, I believe that only the nasal delivery of the flu vaccine is “live”, while the shot is a “dead” vaccine. This would be something to confirm with your provider.
There will be disagreement on this, that is for sure. As with other decisions with our health care, we depend on our providers to advise us and take care of us, and this is made all the more challenging by the fact that there will be absolutely contradicting views from our providers. Sometimes, there is no right or wrong. Sometimes, there really is.
I would be very uncomfortable NOT getting the flu shot. I cannot find anything but concensus on this in the area where I live. Except for the small pocket of people who do not believe in any immunizations, which has precipitated our current whooping cough epidemic.
Vanillasky would feel equally uncomfortable choosing to get the flu shot.
We can both be happy with our choices!
I did read the Cleveland Clinic website for 2012, but did not see anything that reflected your endo’s point of view. But I think your choice is the right choice for you. And mine for me!
Shirleyjaqeinquotation wrote:Before the online facilitators get at me,let me save them the trouble: I already know that noone on here is a doctor and I don’t want medical advice just an opinion please or to share their personal storiesNo one wants to “get at you” – the reason we are very careful to NOT make it look like we are giving medical advice on this forum is for your benefit…and also for the benefit of those who read these posts for years to come.
I got the flu shot this afternoon:o and I will updating how I feel over the next week..
Thanks again for all the responses:)My Dr recommended for me to get teh flu shot so i did also
Well, I certainly wouldn’t lie about it and I personally don’t care who does what. Different strokes for different folks. If you would like the name of the doctor, it is Dr. Adi Mehta.
I should have included that i had a total thyroidectomy in Feb, so my situation may not be the same
Even after I was treated (I had RAI), my endo in FL still was not comfortable with me receiving a flu shot while my levels remained unstable. I had to have him write a note two years in a row because I worked in a hospital where employees were required to either get a flu shot, or get a doctor’s note and wear a mask for the entirety of flu season.
I think my FL endo told me it was about 50/50 among physicians – 50% supported flu shots for Graves’ patients, 50% did not.
However, I have since moved to MA and my new endo believes there is no relationship between the flu shot and Graves’ or the thyroid whatsoever. And my levels still remain unstable. So, I got a flu shot this year and I’m glad I did, because my dad (with whom I live) came down with an awful case of the flu just a month after I got vaccinated. After being out of work for surgery for two weeks and then part-time for another two weeks, I can’t afford to get sick this winter. I will get a flu shot every year from now on until research proves it fruitless or I contract some other medical condition that prevents me from getting one.
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