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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Happy August everyone! and for those of you who haven’t forgotten..we use to make “good friday’
    so here is a Friday comment for you… remember, You have to be smallet than what you hide behind.

    I wish I was good at remembering jokes…haven’t heard any good ones lately, that I can remember.
    But I think a few of us all need a good laugh about now.

    I have been getting letters from a friend who is trying to help out in Bombay…wow is it hard to write back somethingthat doesn’t look insignificant
    and ridiculous in the face of what she shares with me. So much relativity if life, isn’t there?
    But then it is kind of like statistics…if there is a one in a million chance of a good or bad thing happening to someone
    and you are the ONE..well it ain’t just odds and chances any more to you.

    What am I saying? Well I don’t know…but heck maybe I can get you all to spin off in some other direction!

    My mother, who probably would have preferred her five kids just shut up all the time,
    use to tell us..”if you don’t have something kind to say, just don’t say anything at all”
    Then there was…”think before you speak” and of course, “say what you mean and mean what you say.”
    Well see what I mean? I figure I’ll spend my whole life trying to put those in action.

    Take care of yourselves each and everybody…you are worth the trouble.
    Love, Jeannette

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