Hello everyone! Hope ya’ll are having a good Wednesday. I am having an ok day besides the fact that I feel like I have the flu all the time right now.
Yesterday I went to an appointment with the VA, and my doctor asked me if I knew I had a thyroid problem. I was like uhhh no, this new to me, lol. So after my appointment was over and I had made that appointment for a totally different problem that was going on anyway. It dawned on me that for almost two years now I have had a thyroid problem, and the VA I was going to at the time failed to even tell me. It all makes sense now, and I am a bit overwhelmed and frankly a bit scared.
I went from weighing 190 pounds down to 132 pounds, my joints have been hurting, my hair falls out by the handful, I am so tired some days that I can’t even get out of bed, or I have to force myself to get up. My lack of energy has been the worst lately since I have two children. One of my children is with his daddy, because I have been so ill that I was unable to physically care for him (he is 16 months old
). I have the heart palpitations, where I wake up in the middle of the night, and can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and sometimes I can’t breath. My feet have some type of red rash on them so now I have a cream I have to put on my feet. It just sucks!
My doctor yesterday said she is almost positive it is my thyroid causing all of these issues I am having, and I have to agree with her. Especially if there were tests from two years ago that already said I had an overactive thyroid already.
I am thankful for this doctor taking the time and paying attention to all of the symptoms I have been having for the past two years, and worse now. Just finally glad to know that she actually cares about her patient’s. I am sure she will put me on some type of medication for it since it is so bad, but I can deal with that. She did a full panel of blood draws yesterday, so next Monday I will know the results. I just don’t want to keep dealing with all of these symptoms and just want to feel better again. I guess if I waited almost two years to finally understand what has been going on with me I can wait 5 more days.
I wish you all the best of luck and health and happiness. On particular days like this when I feel like I can endure no more… I keep going
Hello Julie
I am sorry to hear that so much time went by before you were told that you have a thyroid problem. The good news is that you have just jumped over the biggest hurdle—getting a diagnosis. Your symptoms do sound like the overactive thyroid problem Graves’. I am sorry you have to wait a few more days before the diagnosis is confirmed. The three standard treatments are antithyroid drugs, RAI treatment and surgery. Whatever treatment is chosen individuals with Graves’ are most often put first on an antithyroid drug—the methimazole is preferred because it has fewer side effects. It may take a little while for the methimazole to work because Graves’ individuals have to get rid of the thyroid hormone that has been stored in the thyroid. The job of the methimazole is to slow down the production of the hormone that the thyroid is making. Most often individuals are also put on a beta blocker which works on the rapid irregular heart beat problem. I am sure you will be hearing from others who have been in exactly your situation.
You should let your doctor know how you feel now. She should also know if your symptoms get worse before Monday. Find out from your docotor if she might want to start some sort of treatment earlier.
Keep us posted as to how things are going. I wish you the very best and soon!
EllenHi Julie! Welcome to the forum!
Your empowerment to feel better starts now. You are amongst friends and we are all in different places on the same road.
All the symptoms you listed are classic thyroid symptoms. As Ellen said, the meds will take a while to start to work, but every day on them is a day closer to normal. Don’t lose that focus. (Some beta blockers are fast acting and can give you relief from that pounding heart the first day. Ask your doctor. )
Do not be afraid to demand better care. From this point forward you are your own health care advocate. It sounds like you finally have a good doctor and I hope you see improvement soon. You can and will feel normal again.
Keep a symptom diary and get copies of all of your lab results. Note your symptoms at those levels and at each test thereafter. This information is critical when talking to your dr.
Do not be afraid to ask questions. No question is too stupid. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor about any new symptom or change in an existing symptom, no matter how slight or uneventful.
Whatever treatment plan you choose I wish you the best of luck in your experience. If you ever need someone to listen, we are here for you.
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