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  • laurelaggie
    Post count: 2


    I was diagnosed with Graves Disease back at the end of November after 2+years of weird symptoms that doctors couldn’t put together. Insomnia, high heart rate, high blood pressure, anxiety, etc. I finally got my PCP to test my thyroid and sure enough it was hyper. Saw an endo and after more blood tests I was diagnosed with Graves and started on methimazole. After about 6 weeks I was able to sleep again and my heart rate was in normal range. I have an appointment this week with the endo and I had my blood drawn last week. I got the results and it shows my T3 and T4 in the lower end of normal, but my TSH is still stubbornly at .01. Will it begin to get better now that the other row are normal? My blood pressure is still high? I had low blood pressure (110/70) up until all of this started. Will it ever be normal again? Is my body just having a hard time adjusting back? Thanks for any feedback!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – It is very common for TSH to remain suppressed early in the treatment process. Hopefully, your doctor is basing your dosing on Free T4 and T3 and NOT on TSH alone!

    Most patients who have high blood pressure in association with hyperthyroidism will start to see some relief as levels approach the normal range. However, hopefully, your doc is keeping an eye on this and will work with you if it gets to the point where treatment might be recommended.

    Take care – and keep us posted!

    Post count: 2

    Thanks! I see the doctor tomorrow and I plan to discuss my blood pressure with him. Hopefully he can provide some answers. He did say before that he doesn’t just use TSH levels for treatment. This will actually be my first follow up with him. Anxious to hear what he says.

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