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  • chrisk
    Post count: 4

    Hi all. Just got my labs this week. Six weeks after starting carbimazole(25mg/day), my T3 and T4 levels went back to normal range. TSH is still at 0.02 and antibodies (TSI) are still six times upper normal level but I am psyched nonetheless!! Going to see endo this week. I should probably expect a lowering of ATD dose, right? As for my eyes, opthalmologist categorizes me as ‘mild TED’ with symptoms thus far being the lower eyelid swelling (bags under eyes) and occasional dry eyes. Also feel like my right eye tears a lot and feel like i have something ‘in my eye’ some days. No eyelid retraction thus far nor lid lag. Seeing eye doctor again in two months. Again, thanks for this amazing site and all the support!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – That’s great to see your T3/T4 move back into the “normal” range!

    The latest guidance from the ATA and AACE encourages using Free T4 and T3 to determine dosing and *not* TSH, as TSH can remain suppressed for quite some time in Graves’ patients. The usual process would be to drop the dosage as levels move back into the “normal” range, but we aren’t docs and don’t know your specific medical situation. You can access the guidance here, if you are interested in discussing it with your doctor at your upcoming appointment:

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    The info on anti-thyroid drug therapy starts on page 11 (page 603 of the original journal article).

    Keep us posted!

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