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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Warriors…I just want you to know I’m available via e-mail if you need specific questions answered. I have been having difficulties accessing the bb lately, so some of you are hearing from me via e-mail already. I am one of the few available Ass’t on-line Facilitators for NGDF, but as a working nurse full-time, my time is limited. but I always get back to people if they e-mail me, so do not hesitate, OK? Just wanted you to know I’m still out here. Glad to finally have bb access again. You all do such a great job supporting each other…Keep up the good work!

    Warm Regards, Rachel (NGDF Ass’t on-line facilitator.)

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Rachel-
    My name is Edia and I’m new to the sight. I was diagnosed with GD a year ago and am currently taking 200mg of PTU and 75mg of Effexor. I still don’t feel like myself. I still have mood swings and get agitated easily and now how memory problems. How do I know whether I am on the best medications for me?

    Post count: 93172

    Welcome to the bulletin board, Edia! You’ll need to discuss your med situation with your doctor. Also, pay strict attention to how you feel(we recommend keeping a journal) and report all to your doctor. he/she should be able to help you adjust your meds accordingly.

    So glad you no longer have to feel alone with Graves’. Jake and I have found so many people in everyday life that have this disease. Hard to go out and not find someone who has it! Truly amazing!

    Wishing you good health,
    Online Facilitator, NGDF

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