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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi! I just had to do a field test (field of vision). I had an old eye injury and now am getting floaters and blind spots. Has she complained about floaters or dry eyes or sensitivity to light?

    As I understand, since the blood is traveling faster in our bodies, there is more pressure behind the eyes. The test does not hurt but seems to take forever. I didnt find it to be a big deal. They just want to make sure she is ok


    Post count: 398

    The field of vision test is one of those things that it is good to have a baseline for thryoid eye disease.

    I am going to delete your first post, just to only have one.

    Post count: 28

    Hi guys, the eye doc’s receptionist rang up today and said that my daughters ophthalmologist wants my daughter to come in tomorrow and have a Fields Test. This is completely random and I asked why, but she said he just asked her to make the call to get her in there. I am stressing, why does she suddenly have to have this when she saw him on Monday (3 days ago) and is seeing him again in another 9 days. Any ideas?????

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