Hi my name is Lori and I was recently diagnosed with Graves and am really confused about what my doctor said would happen and how I am felling. I had the treatment and was told that it was no big deal and I would be back to work in 3 days. It has been a week and I feel terrible. I have been dizzy, nauseas, tired, the pain in my neck seems worse plus other aches and pains just in general feel bad. I went to my primary doctor and he did some blood work and my white count was really high. Is any of this normal? If anyone has any advice or help I would be very appreciated.
Hello and welcome – I’m not familiar with WBC being high after RAI, but hopefully, others here will chime in with their experiences. If you are working with an endocrinologist, I would definitely report your symptoms to that doctor in addition to your primary care doc to see if you can get some additional direction. Hopefully, you will see some relief soon!
Hi Lori, I had RAI done about six weeks ago. I felt pretty awful for the first two weeks with the same symptoms you are feeling now: nausea, tiredness, and generally feeling bad. For nausea I ate some ginger candies which helped me a lot. I was also told to drink tons of water and suck on lemon candies.
I don’t know about WBC being high as I did not get that checked. The past six weeks have been up and down for me. Some days I have a lot of energy whereas other days you can find me in bed for hours on end. Graves is a long process and I’m just now beginning it. I am in constant contact with my endo so it helps to have a good relationship with yours. Hopefully more people will come in here and give their advice.
I hope you feel better!
Hi Lori,
I had a cbc done 11 days after my RAI and my wbc and lymphocyte numbers were through the roof.
I freaked.
A frantic call to my endo explained it all. As the thyroid starts to break down from the radiation exposure, the increased white cells are the body’s system for removing the damaged/dying tissue.
She said this is completely normal and a sign the RAI is working. These numbers will remain higher as long as there is still die-back of the thyroid gland occurring.
Your symptoms sound pretty on track for the treatment. Doctors that say “3 days and you will be fine” have obviously never had it themselves. It was about 2 weeks before I felt good enough to work all day, but everyone is different.
If your symptoms do not improve by the 3 week mark, call your doctor and get your bloodwork done again. Most likely this phase of treatment will be just a memory by then.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Thank you both for the advice. I was just getting really worried that I had made the wrong decision. I should have done more research before I got the treatment. Today I fell better than I have since I got it done. Fingers crossed that it stays this way today the last couple have been pretty rough. I am really glad I found this sight it has calmed my nerves and helped me understand what is going on. I will keep you posted thanks for your time.
Thank you for saying that this site has calmed your nerves and helped you understand what is going on. That’s the whole purpose. Great post by Rob told me things I didn’t know. Do keep us posted, and you will be better and on the [sometimes long] way to getting better.
Everyone does not have the reaction you are having. Some of us actually got to go have RAI at lunch, and went back to work. It was eyes that brought me to my knees!
Take care,
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