And to add to what I just wrote… I feel out of breath and dizzy and exhausted just picking up my 11month old.
Again, we sympathize, we know how you feel! The most important thing right now is to get SOME kind of treatment to start bringing your levels out of the hyperthyroid range. You can take ATDs for a short time in order to bring your levels back into the normal range, give you back some energy, and return your brain to fully-functioning status so you can really think through the options and make a treatment choice that you feel good about.
Keep a couple of things in mind. You ARE sick. Your body is experiencing a severe metabolic imbalance. If, God forbid, you had cancer right now and were undergoing chemo treatments, no one would call you "lazy." We suffer from the misunderstanding of other people, but it doesn’t mean you should ignore your own illness. If they don’t want to understand why you’re sick (even though you don’t *look* sick), that’s their problem, NOT yours.
If a walk leaves you more exhausted than when you started, don’t walk so far next time. It’s really that simple.
Let me just quickly say that *every* Graves’ patient I know has been the "go to" person in the family, the one who handled everything, for everyone. You can no longer take on that role and remain healthy. As a friend recently told me, "Superwoman doesn’t live here any more."
” title=”Very Happy” /> We typically take that role on and are very proud of it, and you may even be able to resume that role one day, but NOT NOW. For now, YOU need to come first, and probably second, third, fourth and fifth. You can get through this, and it’ll be easier for you to manage if you take good care of yourself. Learn to say no. Learn to compromise. Learn to delegate. It’s for your own good. Drop the guilt. That’s no good for you. Do things that feed your soul, that give you MORE strength and energy, and drop those activities that only suck your spirit away. Give yourself some time to decide which things belong in which category, but go easy on yourself.
I know its because of the Graves’ Disease that I have such horrible fatigue. But I feel so lazy and useless right now, and since my family doesn’t understand what Im going through I know they think Im just lazy since i’m home all day. I want to be able to get up and clean and do dishes (well no one really WANTS to do dishes) but I do want to stop feeling so lazy. I feel like if I could just make up an exercise routine I would feel better… but part of me knows it will just make me more tired. Going for a walk makes me so much more tired than I already am. After I get home from that all i want to do is eat and go to sleep for a bit. I want energy back. I want my life back. Today I had to cancel hanging out with a friend because I just cant find the energy to get ready for the day. Im still in my pajamas Im so exhausted. And dizzy.
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