Today is day 14 I have been off PTU in preparation for ablation on Nov.6th.
The weird thing is I feel great!! No trouble sleeping, no sweating, no insomnia, …..weird to feel this good.
I get labs done on Monday. I’m still ready for the ablation, but I’m honestly surprised that I dodn’t have more hyper symptoms by now. Usually when I come off PTU I’m very hyper by the second week. I have been through this 4 times already.
Has this ever happened to anyone here?
I also talked with my ENdo again about having an elective surgery on the 23rd of Nov. and she said that it would not pose a threat. To go for it:) SO, I’m very excited about that!! Although there is a samll chance it may be postponed till Dec.1st (Surgeon is in jury duty)
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