I’m another one of those "feeling good, not really active on this board anymore" so I wanted to share how I’ve been feeling. I was diagnosed in February 2009 with all the classic symptoms – weight loss, tremors, heat intolerance, frequent bowel movements, extreme fatigue, etc. After a couple of days in the hospital with doctors thinking I originally had a heart condition, I went home and started PTU, propranolol and monthly appointments and lab draws at my endocrinologist’s office. I had "the most severe case of Graves" he had ever seen.
After a year on PTU with no remission and very little change in lab work, I had 10 mCi of RAI in February 2010. Finally, after six months, I became hypo but unfortunately, developed moderate TED as well as GERD and gastroparesis at the same time. I started 100 mcg Synthroid and 50 mg prednisone at the same time… so I felt hyper all over again. Prednisone is a blessing and a curse – it made me feel awful but greatly improved my TED symptoms. I continued to take my beta blocker to keep my heart rate under control on the steroids. My neuro-opthamologist tapered my prednisone dose down by 10 mg every three weeks, and I am FINALLY off it. I went through a horrible week of withdrawals – remind me never to become a drug addict – but the steroids seemed to have done there job as I have been off them for a month and my eyes are still fine. My GI issues have also worked themselves out, so hopefully I can stop taking the 80 mg of omeprazole every day soon.
My labs show my TSH is still slightly supressed, but my endo is OK with that because it’s better for my eyes. However, my T4 is where it should be so we dropped my Synthroid dose down to 88 mcg. I still continue to take a beta blocker in the morning and again before I work out in the evenings, but we’re hoping I can get down to only needing it before workouts and then eventually, not at all.
I am finally feeling like myself again. Throughout this whole process, I have gained about 30lbs but I was cautioned from raising my heart rate for so long that my endurance has severely suffered. I am now doing Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and her Yoga Meltdown on alternating days. I have a gym membership but right now I’m super busy with work and volunteering and prefer to do my workouts at home. I haven’t seen any weight loss but I’m only a week in. I certainly feel better – more awake during the day yet sleeping better at night.
RAI was definitely the right choice for me. I’m proof that it works, that TED treatment can work, and that you can feel better after treating your Graves. The weight loss part… I’ll update everyone in a couple of months
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