I am so sorry i am very new to this 3 months in i have very swollen eys some times i can not see well joined so i could understand more.. I know how you feel just remember you have 3 little guys there that need there mommy and 1 big one lol, well any ways my name is Shelley.
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Hi all, I found this page in desperation. I was diagnosed with GD after my 1st little boy who is now coming up on 4. Typically it took my GP a year to finally diagnose when I went in with palpatations and mood swings so severe my eyes were blurring and I honestly thought I could throw my hubby through a wal
l. I was on the blocking treatment for a long time and felt awful. I changed endocrinologists who was fantastic.I sadly lost 2 babies as a result of my thyroid most likely. I recently gave birth to another little boy 3 months ago (my levels were great during pregnancy and was able to come off the meds). However since then it has all went crazy. My levels were awful and my GP started me on a low doze of carbimazole again – I thought it was too low for my levels – however didn’t say anything. Anyway I went back to my GP as I felt on the verge of collapse. She said just to let the meds kick in. Well I did collapse – tachycardia where they thought they thought they were going to have to shock my heart. My endo came into the ward and doubled my doze , put me on meds to slow the heart as I can’t take betablockers. Yesterday I had a call from consultant to come of carbimazole as my white cells were so low.
Apart from feeling awful physically I know feel as though I am going psychotic and called the samaritans tonight. I feel really suicidal and as though (if I had the energy) I could pull my house apart. I am normally a very placid person (hence the 1st diagnoses after my poor hubby said there was something seriously wrong with me).
I am at my wits end and just feel I need to speak with someone who has been through the same.I can’t stop crying
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M x
Dear Hyperm,
I am so sorry you are going through this. I think that when Graves hits postpartum, it has its own special evil. It would be hard enough to deal with without being responsible for a new baby too. I was a first time mom when I got it. I felt like I was going crazy. I thought I had postpartum depression. I felt incredibly guilty for feeling the way I did. I was crying all the time, I felt constantly agitated/startled. I would yell at my husband (I had never yelled at him before and we had been together for 5 years). I had to stop working for several weeks. I had several physical symptoms too but the emotional toll was by far the worst.
With treatment, this will get better. It will take awhile to feel totally normal; you have a serious disease and you also just had a baby. Go easy on yourself and ask for help. Tell your family and friends what you need – get someone to help with childcare for both kids so you can get some rest. Have someone do your grocery shopping & house cleaning. Don’t feel guilty if you just need to rest on the couch. You may want to consider talking to your doctor about an antidepressant to help get you past this initial rough time. Many, many people on this board have needed them.
We are all worried and thinking about you. Let us know how you are doing.
Hello Hyperm,
You got some good responses. I missed seeing this post until now and am concerned about you. When you read this, please let us know you’re doing okay.
What treatment has been decided upon next?
I’m so sorry to hear you lost your precious little ones because of this disease. It’s not that uncommon, unfortunately, and my heart goes out to all those who have been through this. My prayers are for your comfort and rapid healing.
Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
Best wishes,
Thanks you all for all your support – thats the reason I googled looking for some support group as you really feel as though you are going off your head..most people think its just weight gain or loss!
I can laugh back to 4 years ago when just before being diagnosed and I calmly asked my husband to hand over the baby to me (this baby is now 4) he thought I was tired and harrassed and said no just you do what you have to do. WELLL red rag to a bull – I could see him calmly walking around the garden showing baba the trees and the birds and it just somehow enraged me that he thought (in my mind he did) I couldn’t care for my baby well I chased him around the garden in bare feet shouting…. After which I collapsed in tears and he gently said he thought I had some kind of mental illness. My friends will often ask me to tell that story if we get together as I am a very placid person (even if do say so myself). Hubby said I was like Jack Nicholson from the Shinning and that I would go hunting for him – I feel so guilty now about it all and just now I am all over the place.
At work I got to a high position rather young as I worked hard and just got on with and always seemed to take the crap parts of the job that no one else wanted. WELL when MRS THYROID went out of control the staff meetings were certainly different
In one sense it was a good thing as I stood up for myseslf but when people were seeing me in the corriders they were jumping into doors and alleyways
Oh dear! Even when it all calmed down and I could explain I still see a weariness in their eyes – which I hate as I am not that person this thyroid has made me.
I know someone mentioned my babies – well yes I am still grieving terribly and I am desperate for more kids but am so scared of any more Mc so yes I want the op.
Anyone else have similar experiences? I know Laurel you said that your had mood swings too.
M xxx
Dear Hyperm,
My heart aches for you. You have been through so much. I read in another post that you got back in touch with the counselor that knows you. That is great.
Yes, this disease can make us do some truly bizzare things. I have had some "highly energetic" staff meetings. I have had to apologize to many people over the years. Most of them understand, and those who don’t aren’t really a part of my life.
Are you from the UK? Words like "carbimezole" lead me to think that. If so, there are some people over there that you need to be in touch with, as well as us. You can e-mail Janis Hickey, President of the British Thyroid Foundation. j.l.hickey@btf-thyroid.org. That organization is very active all over the country, including people to call and talk with, one-to-one.
Please know that we are "only a click away." Thanks to all who responded to Hyperm. Take care,
Thank you Nancy that is very kind of you – this board is fantastic I have posted into a local netmums site as I am sure there are lots of women and men out there who need support.
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I was first diagnosed after my second child. That was 22 years ago. I remember having a very difficult time, crying all the time, palpitations, moody. And then after about a year, it went into remission. I did have many years without disease symptoms, so I guess I was lucky for awhile. However, it did rear its ugly head when going thru my changes, and here I am dealing with it for 4 years and like you looking for some support. It is so hard sometimes. I hope you can enjoy your kids cause they are what really matters. I find that if I have someone or something to focus on my worries and bad feelings diminish. My kids are out of the house and my job isn’t doing much for me lately either. I am going thru some health issues right now that I am not sure are related to the Graves disease or not. I know I am too focused on how bad I am feeling and how awful I look. SOmehow I have to find soemthing good to focus on again – I know it will help. Maybe you can think of something to do with the kids that’s just plain old fun and see if that helps. One day at atime. Hang in there.
I feel your pain! My daughter is 9 months old and I was just diagnosed last month. My husband keeps saying that he can’t wait for his “nice wife” to come back. We were in a minor car accident the other day and I jumped out and started screaming at the lady that hit us! I hurt all over as it is and now I am dealing with whiplash!
Life is hard enough without Grave’s and it certainly is harder with it! So like the other person said – stay focused on your kids, they are what’s important! It’s what gets me through my day. I guess our husbands will be as happy as we will when we get this under controI. I hope you feel better soon. Good luck.
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