I had eye lide surgery in November to lower my upper right eye lid. Initially it was kind of puffy looking for a few weeks. The drs told me that because of the sensitivity of the eyelid skin it takes longer than other areas to heal. So I’ve been patiently waiting for the final result. The lid is lower than the left lid now; they say it may still go up a bit more so they hopefully match. And there is a bit of puffyness on the inner corner still. Has anyone else had such a long, slow recovery from lid surgery or is there something funky going on with my lid? How long can this really take?
Well it’s been two and half weeks since my eyelid surgery and I went back for my 2 week checkup and told the DR my vision was still blurry in the right eye he told me it was just the swelling and if I wanted to see an eye Dr I could so I saw one that he set up for me that same day.
Well to my surprise they found some kind of scar or tear in my cornea and pupil, the DR really didn’t know what it was and he thought it looked older than 2 weeks but my vision was fine before the surgery and he couldn’t explain it so all that says to me is the plastic surgeon messed up and damaged my eye and I’m not sure if it can be fixed.
Anyway I think this is pretty rare and if anybody has had something like this happen to them after eye surgery I would love to hear about it and know what the out come was, I am so angry right now this was supposed to be help me and I was so excited about my new eyes now it’s turned in to a nightmare.Thanks
CynthiaWould like to hear from others who have had eyelid surgery using donor material that comes from the heart. Thanks
I am having RAI tomorrow. What is the average time it takes to regain strength and endurance after RAI? Before Grave’s I was fairly active, I now have nowhere near the strength I did and am very easily winded. I’ve even gained weight with Grave’s. I’ve been on Tapazole and although I’ve felt better, I still have greatly diminished strength and stamina. My muscles are also very “tight” and cramp (and pull/tear) easily. I am hoping for some relief.
Hi, Scott:
We lose muscle mass while hyperthyroid, and it also interferes somehow with the biochemical mechanisms by which the muscles “regroup” during exercise. Once we get back to normal levels of hormone the muscle mass returns gradually, but it is “mushy” muscle, not strong muscle. The biochemical imbalance goes away, and we are able to exercise again — which we often need to do to regain strong muscle. It varies from one individual to the next how long it takes, because the variables include how long, and how severely hyperthyroid we were.
You can expect to get back your former strength, but be patient and practical about it. You might find you are still much weaker than “normal” even when you get to normal levels of hormone. Make sure that your doctor gives the OK for exercise, and then start out slowly, assessing as you go along. For example, the only hand “weights” I could use initially, for twelve “reps” of whatever exercise I was doing were rather small paperback books! But it was a start. You probably will be in better shape than that, but if you are not, try to look upon everything as “progress” and not in absolute terms.
Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator
wow you are the first person that i’ve encountered that has Grave’s disease and gained weight. I’ve had the same problem and although i’ve been on Tapazole I haven’t gotten rid of all the symptoms.
I wasn’t the smallest person to begin with (200+ lbs). Since I have had Grave’s, my appetite is enormous. I’ve been on Tapazole for several months and, although my symptoms are much diminished (don’t shake constantly, heart rate is normal (was on metoprolol for that)), my thyroid is still hyper. I eat constantly–my weight gain has actually been minimal considering the amount I eat. I hope my appetite decreases post-RAI, but most of what I read seems to indicate more potential weight gain. Since metabolic rate increases dramatically with Grave’s, most people lose weight. Some people have increased appetite, and more than make up for the increased metabolism.
I had eyelid retraction surgery three weeks ago and my eyes are still puffy. There has been some improvement, but I am still not comfortable enough to be seen without sunglasses on. Has anyone else experienced such a long recovery? This is my 4th eye surgery which I know is part of the reason. Thank you for replying. -
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