Wishing you a speedy recovery, Shirley. I hope it gives you the results you want.
This procedure was to "lengthen upper eyelids." Goal to make them look I used to look, have less cornea exposed, get rid od the staring look. Anesthesia was propofol, plus a little fentanyl and midazolam (Versed.) Propofol is an anesthetic agent given IV for short procedrues. Versed is an IV drug I always explain as the "forgetting medicine." It his a short term amnesic, used so you don’t remember anything. It is used in colonoscopies, which is a darn good idea! Fentanyl IV is a short term IV pain med frequently used for quick pain relief.
Post op, head of bed up, cool gauze sponges to eyes most of the time feel good. Next day, kinda feels like someone inserted two small boulders in each eye, but not really painful, just uncomfortable. But I am used to uncomfortable eyes, having had them for almost two years!!! Very photo phobic. Eyelids super swollen, minimal bruising.Glad I had it, glad it is post op day #1!
Shirley-excuse any typos, hard to look at screen today, am really photophobic.Thank you, Bobbi. I would NOT elect to do this procedure. I have become accustomed to having a changed appearance forever, compared to before TED. But the corneal exposure, and the inability to shut my left eye was a big deal in terms of corneal abrasions, and needing a corneal transplant. And it would fail, because of the inability to shut my eye. That really HAD to be fixed. and I fervently hope the outcome is good for me. TED is hard to have. Did you have TED? I don’t recall.
ShirleyHi Shirley,
Glad your surgery is behind you now and you recover quickly. Wishing you the best with your eyes and hope your feeling better real soon.
Hi Diane, how nice of you to comment! Thank you so much! I really did not think the active phase of TED would EVER end, so aside from the need to have the surgeries, it is a sign that I am moving toward the stable part of TED, and I can finally get a prescription for glasses, which I have dearly missed for the past two years. Hoping the sensitivity to light and the copious tears are also decreased. We’ll see. Day #2 still has a lot of swelling, and cold packs sure feel good.
ShirleyHi Shirley – Thanks for checking in…I hope the fact that you’ve been posting recently means that you are doing well! I’m sure it’s a relief to have all those surgeries *finally* in the rear-view mirror. Take care of yourself — best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Hi Shirley,
I am so happy that your surgery is over, and it seems that you are doing pretty well. Everytime I thought about you
on Tuesday I said a little prayer. Have a great day and keep us informed.
SusanYes, Shirley, I had the TED, too. But only a "middling" case of it. Once I got into the cold phase of things, my vision went back to (mostly) normal, and I never had to have surgeries. Or never considered surgeries necessary. My eyelids shut, for one, which makes a huge difference. I hope all is going well.
I’ve been "away" and didn’t see your surgery date had come and gone ~ so glad you seem to be doing well afterward, please send an update!
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I have to be patient. It hs been a wek tomorrow, and there still is a lot of swelling. I have no idea of the result for that reason. Like everything related to Graves’, I need to call on the "tincture of time" phrase to feel better. Thanks so much for asking. I (and everyone) have missed you!
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