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  • MRHabetz
    Post count: 42

    I’m new to this too but think that eyes watering can be a normal symptom of GD. So I’m not sure it’s from the medicine itself. I am sure that the more experienced members on this site can fil you in later.

    Post count: 1

    In February I was diagnosed with GD after having my third baby. I was on PTU but had liver problems with it. I just started Tapazole about 5 days ago after I weaned my baby. The past three days I have been sore under one eye close to my nose and that eye has been watering. The other eye is fine. I have had no eye discharge and my eye is slightly bloodshot. I have some lid retraction previous to this. I am now on antibiotics from my eye doctor for an "infection". However, I just read a post on a Pharmaceutical website where someone said that Tapazole could cause eye watering. Is this a side effect or am I just afflicted with random problems with my eyes including cysts on both eyeballs (pinguecula)?


    Post count: 484

    I’ve had eye watering off and on in both eyes when my Graves was really bad. The eye doctor said it was the thyroid hormone. I’ve never had any other eye symptoms.


    Post count: 398

    Watering eyes can be one of the most mis-understood effects we have. Infection and allergies are the two most likely non-diagnoses, because red, watery, itchy eyes look just like both of those. The doctors that are usually best at diagnosing this are Neuro-ophthalmologists. If necessary, a CT scan can show enlarged muscles.

    I would really be asking my doctor. If both the anti-thyroid medications are out of reach for you, will be investigating another treatment.

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