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  • katherinesc
    Post count: 16

    Can someone explain to me the physiology of why when I cry, the eye pain in my temple area worsens? Does the tissue swell in the orbits of my eyes? I know there must be a facilitator/nurse or someone on this AWESOME SITE that can explain this to me please. I HATE IT and I HATE THE PAIN!! Thanks so much!!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Unfortunately, I can’t give you a technical answer to your question. However, we had a query a while ago on the Foundation’s Facebook site, and it turned out that many patients noticed extra swelling around the eyes after crying (sometimes it didn’t show up until the morning after).

    This would certainly be an interesting area for further study!

    Post count: 16

    Kimberly I knew I could depend on you for some explanation and I appreciate it so much. I assumed it must be something to do with the tear production, possibly the makeup of what is in tears?? It kinda makes some sense to me, but I do notice INCREASED pain in my temple area after crying at all.
    Thanks again for helping me out, but hey, further study on anything to do with this chronic/horrible disorder we sure would appreciate!!

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