Hey Everyone,
I had decompression surgery on March 13th and everything went great. However, so far my double vision has gotten worse rather than better. I saw my TED ophatamologist last Friday and he said I can either get glasses with prisms (coke bottle type) and/or wait for 3 months and recheck my double vision and have eye muscle surgery. I am using a patch and my old prescritpion glasses to get by for now. It works but it is not perfect.
I know many of you have probably had this. How does it compare with the decompression? What is the recovery like. Will it change the look of my eyes again?
I am so happy with my eyes now. I am hoping that this surgery will not be any worse than the decompression.
Thanks for all your efforts…this site is a God-send. I always come here when I am worried and I always feel better afterward.
I had upper muscle retraction eye surgery last year on my right eye. Last January I had lower retraction on both eyes. It sounds worse then it is. They told me I would have to be awake for part of the surgery to move my eyes around. This was to make sure they had it right. I was in a panic about it. I did not want to be awake for any of it. I was asleep for the decompression. They said they would give me something that would make me forget the whole thing. That I would not even know what happen.
For the first one they woke me up. Told me to move my eyes and because I was doing so well I was not put back to sleep as they finished. I didn’t feel much except a little pulling , like when you rub your eye. I only saw fog. I had no pain at this time. The 2nd time I don’t remember waking up at all. I remembered the first one because I did not go back to sleep. I don’t remember the 2nd one because I did go back to sleep. I was talking to the doctor and the next thing I knew I had brain freeze and was talking to the nurse. I had an ice bag on my eyes and didn’t know it. I had pain meds and only took them for a few day’s. I hope this helps.
You will have black eyes and swelling for awhile. My eyes are still healing but look pretty normal.
Don’t have any advice..just wanted to say hi and hope you feel better soon. Oh yes a bit of advice…. Take it as easy as ya can!!!
Hi, I had Eye Muscle surgery (Strabismus) on both eyes in March of 2008. Prior to the surgery I could not look up and my eyes were un-even and I had lot of eye fatigue. When I got out of surgery and was taken home I had a lot of ointment on my eyes and could not see much. That continued to the next morning. When I opened my eyes and got the ointment off, I had total double vision, I looked at the TV (while still lying in bed) and there were 2 of them — one on top of the other. I freaked out and called the doctor (I was still in bed), he said it is normal to have some double vision for up to a week. I had to use a patch on one eye or the other (fortunately I had one nearby so I could even get out of bed). I got better day by day and in a week it was fine. After recovery, the eye fatigue was improved and I could look up again. The side to side tracking was improved. (I still have some double if I look far up left with both eyes). My surgeon is now checking me annally (since last Oct.) for the alignment. It took time to heal and adjust. The doctor that did the surgery warned me it will probably take 2 tries to get them perfectly aligned but he actually got them aligned the first time. I did have some issues with the stitches in one eye but he took care of it. He actually had to remove the left eye stitches instead of letting them dissolve. This surgery did make my lower lids droop more and they said that is normal so that may be something that you want to ask about before the surgery. The surgery was well worth the risks and the recovery — without it I would still be greatly impaired and they had to do this one before they could begin to fix my lids to protect my eyes. By the way I was also told in this one they used a general anesthesia (you are totally out so you can not move). I hope this answers your questions. If not, please let me know.
Thanks everyone for your inputs. It is good to hear how others have dealt with this.
I sort of "freaked" when the Dr. told me about the surgery, they had told me before I probaly would not need it. If you look at some of the info and pictures on some of the internet sites it looks scary. I knew the people on this forum would know the facts.I am breathing a little easier now. I guess the old saying what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger really applies to anyone who has had to deal with Graves & TED.
I was so thrilled with the way my eyes look now after the decompression surgery that the thought of the eye muscle surgery changing them had me worried. I don’t want the eye lid surgery but the Dr says I will need it to remove the extra skin and fat deposits. Hey, when you looked as bad as I did (especially my left eye) I am thrilled to look as good as I do now. But, I understand the reasoning behind it.
Thanks for the help/info and the kind encouragments.
God Bless,
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