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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Jake –

    I know that you think that by using either an ear graft or a pallet graft, that you can count the eyelid surgery plus the ear or mouth surgeries as two operations.

    You can’t double-dip this way according to latest, revised rules for counting eye surgeries and other rules of engagement. These new rules just went into effect this past January. Now, you only get to count the actual eyelid surgeries but not the graft operations in your total body count.

    This rule change may influence your decision now to use donor grafts.

    It’s still your choice however, just so you know.

    Just thought that you might want to know of this rule change.

    At least now, the rest of us have a fairer chance at catching you now with our eye operation counts, although that does to be rather unlikely.


    Post count: 93172

    Hay Jerry,

    That got a good chuckel. I havn’t considered my grafts as prt of the eye count. Humm if I do that that would bump the 14 count to 16. So as it stands. 14 eye surgeries two graft surgeries soon to be 15 eye surgeries and 3 graft surgeries.

    Still to many and believe me some one else can win this contest. I will let them hands down.


    Post count: 93172

    Morning warriors,

    Went to the eye doc yesterday and got the word that they suggest I have another eyelid surgery. I had a hard pallet graft done in each lower eye lid about 3 years ago and my upper lids adjusted 2 years ago.

    Now it seems the lowerr lid on the left eye is drooping where the graft ended. So need to have it propped back up. I was given the option of using my hard pallet again, cartlidge from my ear or donor graft.

    Still thinking on this but will probably gor for the graft from my ear. Also need to have the upper lid tweeked. Seems that the upper lid is turning under a bit and making the eyelashes turn under and they are rubbing the eye. Need to get that fixed too.

    So I am faced with lid surgery again. Will look at my options and go from there. But looking at the ear graft this time since it is a small area and only needs a minor prop up and not the whole lower lid again.

    Surgery will be out patiant and back to work quickly. So will keep you informed.

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    On-line Facilitator

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