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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    Truthfully, I have not heard anyone speak about this here, and I’ve been around a long time! I do know that weird things happen to Graves’ patients, so no one could rule out GD as some sort of trigger for it, but it’s not anything classic that many of us have gone through. Have you checked with a dermatologist? Do let us know if you find anything out, I’d be interested to know.

    Post count: 35

    I was wondering if this has ever happened to anybody else:

    I have been getting blisters on my eyelids. Well, I dont know if they are blisters, but they are small red hive/blister looking bumps that aren’t fluid filled, but look kind of like they are. They are right where my eyelashes grow out…really on the very edges of the lid. Sorry its hard to explain!! But, my endo didn’t know what to think about them when I told her, then they went away before I could get a doctors appt with my GP, and now they are back. They itch and are a little sore. I don’t have a rash or hives anywhere else. They first started when I was on methimazole, and now I am not…I just had RAI….but they started before the RAI so I can conclude that its probably not the metimazole or RAI. I am also not using eyedrops regularly….maybe once a month. (and they dont coincide with when I have gotten these bumps.) I am on proprananol…..and have been the last couple months consistenly….but they didn’t come right after I started it, so I’m not sure that has anything to do with it. I guess I will just have to try to get an appt with someone in primary care…..but by the time that happens I am sure it will be gone again. Just wanted to know if this happens to anyone else!

    Post count: 35

    I haven’t checked with anyone other than my endo yet. They go away pretty fast then come back. But a dermatologist would be a good next step, I will see about getting a referral.

    I also made the mistake of googling eye-lid blisters and maybe should mention they are NOTHING like the images I see there. They are barely even noticeable unless I point them up and stand right in front of the mirror. So, minor. But they do make my eyes itch a bit so thought I would ask. I will let you know if I find anything out.

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