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  • Kylar
    Post count: 9

    Thanks! I got it now!

    Post count: 10

    Update: The opthamologist that I went to didn’t believe that there was any connection between the floaters and my thyroid disease. She believes that I might have minor eye disease since she can see the white of my eyes between my bottom eye lid and eye. My levels are still out of range (TSH = 15) so I’m now on snthyroid 112 (previously on levo 100). I just have been able to ignore the floaters and can just hope that they improve over time. I recently purchased some polarized ray ban sunglasses that have helped when outdoors.


    Post count: 33

    I know this is an old thread but I too have noticed more of an increase in floaters and diff varieties since my TED developed and with the dryness and irritation. I too hope that with time they will subside like the TED.

    Post count: 333

    I’m reviving this post :)

    I just recently went to my ophthalmologist and he said that I have more floaters now. He was surprised b/c he said I’m still too young for having that many. He asked if I had injured my eye and I haven’t but I have had floaters since I was a child. The new ones are bothering me. He said that they float b/c my vitreous fluid is still young and viscous and that when one gets old the fluid turns watery and the floaters fall to the bottom but in my case, they are floating. The good news is that everything else is looking good … retina and all. He knows about my thyroid problem and he didn’t say anything about it being related. He actually wasn’t too concerned after seeing that everything else was good. I on the other hand, have to move my eyes around constantly to get them out of the way when I’m reading. It gets pretty frustrating.

    One very important point about floaters and for us who have them. If one ever experiences lots of them with flashes of light, one needs to run to the ophthalmologist or the ER b/c it can be retinal detachment that if left untreated can turn into blindness very fast. Hopefully this never happens to any of us.

    If anyone has any more information about whether or not floaters are GD related, please share it here. I know its been a while since anyone posted about it.

    I know everyone says that they are common and that people get them all the time but since we have an autoimmune disease, I wonder if they are autoimmune related. Like in my case for example … I have had them since I was young and I have a lot now. Just a thought. My husband who is a year older than me doesn’t have them. So, they might be common but not everyone gets them, especially not at a young age (or younger age … I’m not that young … 30s).


    Post count: 108

    Interesting to think about. Last spring I fell and hit my head really hard. Then around Memorial day I developed a “spray” of floaters, sort of like looking through the windshield while it’s raining. Went to the optometrist who thought it might be related to the retina, and while he didn’t see anything, was concerned because of my fall and the symptoms. Sent me to a retina specialist for an exam, and I got an all clear. Now, I’d already noticed for the prior 6 months or so that every pair of sunglasses I tried was “bent” and hit my right eyebrow. The retina specialist and optometrist didn’t notice that my eye was swollen…but then, I didn’t, either. Anyway, it would seem I probably already had TED symptoms with the swollen eye, grittiness, foreign body sensation, etc, and around this time all the other Graves symptoms were there, I just didn’t know it was anything other than normal for this time of life (thought it was “the change”.) I did already have one big floater, which now I can say showed up around the time of the swollen eye, related or not. But just another coincidence that the “spray” of spots showed up at the same time as my Graves symptoms? Makes me wonder, not that it really matters or that anything can be done about it. And while initially quite annoying, now it’s just a blip compared to the double vision and appearance issues.

    Post count: 273

    I got new floaters with GD so maybe a connection? There’s one that always seems to hang out right in the center of my vision, very aggravating with the computer and sometimes I think it’s a bug flying by and start trying to swat it. Very embarrassing when I realize it’s IN my eye and it fooled me again. I am hoping it dissolves over time.

    Post count: 68

    hi ski, how funny, i used to do the same thing.follow my floaters to lull my self to sleep.i think my double vision has gotten worse over the years.i havent been able to do it in a few years.

    Post count: 33

    I developed both floaters and peripheral light flashes several years ago. (I was diagnosed with GD in 1998 and went into remission with TT in 2006 so I don’t think there’s any connection between my floaters and dropping the meds.) The optho told me he has floaters too and said they are nothing to worry about, just the consequences of vitreous humor. They come and go for me at this point.

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