Hi LisaMarie,
I went through what you are going through except my eyes were
bad enough to warrent getting the prednisone and eye radiation
treatments. I would be concerned about the eye pressure if it
was me. Is your ophthalmologist a specialist in Graves’ Eye
Disease? My first optho wasn’t and I finally just asked him if
he knew what he was doing?My current ophthalmologist just got a web site. Here is the web
site address, http://www.eye-lids.com He got rid of my eye pain
just like he promised. His name is Mark R. Levine, MD, F.A.C.S.Good Luck,
Michele B.I don’t remember ever reading about an increased risk for glaucoma, but whenever I go to the ophthomologist (3 times in the past 6 months), she does a glaucoma test, so maybe there is some connection.
I developed glaucoma from taking prednisone for a long time. The prednisone also caused cataracts in both eyes which could not be removed until decompressions, etc. were settled. The second cataract came off 6 weeks ago, but it did not fix my glaucoma. My first cataract surgery also “fixed” the glaucoma in that eye. Ask your eye doctor if the glaucoma is drug-induced. I just use drops twice a day in one eye to control it which is no big deal. Good Luck.
I have been reading the BB for awhile, this is my first time posting. I was diagnosed with Graves in 1996 and had RAI. Drs have noted some swelling, lid retraction and protusion. I was examined by an opthomalogist who reports that I have increased pressure in my eyes putting me at risk for glaucoma. It is not clear to me if the increased pressure is a result of thyroid eye disease or not. He did a field of vision test which produced “non-specific results” and took photos of the optic nerve. I’m to return in two months for continued evaluation/monitoring. None of the literature I’ve read about thyroid eye involvement mentions anything about increased intraocular pressure. Anyone know if this is related to Graves?
I have had glaucoma for many years prior to getting thyroid eye disease. I have taken drops (2 types) twice a day for 10 years, my neuro-opthamologist said that the glaucoma did not cause the disease. It happened separately. I took the predisone and radiation treatments after having blurred vision in February. It has helped. No longer on predisone, she said the radiation effects may take three-four months to really show an effect. I do have protruding eyes and may have to have that corrected. Good luck to you, Kathleen.
Hi, I also had high pressure when I went to the ophtho for my graves eye problems, and he sent me to a glaucoma specialist who measured my pressure in the morning, and then had me come back a couple of weeks later in the afternoon to check and it was even higher. But my field of vision test was fine. Also, my optic nerve is enlarged which is another indication to be suspicious of glaucoma. However, I changed ophtho’s after that and my new one said that he didn’t think I had glaucoma and that the high pressure was being caused by Graves eye problems. I go back in October for a second visit, and I really trust this guy because he seemed so knowledgeable and willing to impart information. But I didn’t get specific information about how the Graves problems contribute to high pressure. I’ll ask next time.
Hope this helps,
Elaine -
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