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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    Taylor – Sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis, but I’m glad that you found us. We aren’t allowed to recommend specific doctors on this site, but you can search for docs on or (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists). On the AACE site, you can specifically request a doctor who specializes in thyroid disorders. Since many endos primarily see diabetes patients, these sites can help connect you with a doctor who is more familiar with thyroid issues.

    By the way, I actually just started a Graves’ Disease Support Group in Arizona. If you go to our home page and click on "Community" and then "Find a Support Group", you can get the location info. The next meeting is on August 21st at 1:30 p.m.. Right now, I would say the average age range is around 35-60, but we would love to have you and your daughter join us if you are interested.

    Best of luck!

    Post count: 2

    We live in Phoenix Az My daughter recently tested for GD. We are looking for names of the best endocrinologist we can find

    Post count: 2

    Kimberly, Thank you very much for this information. Your information provided is greatly appreciated.

    Post count: 100

    Taylor – With your computer, were you able to find a thyroid specialist? If you were unable to do it call the National Office using the toll-free number (877-643-3123) and someone (me) will be glad to walk you through the steps. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists site is especially good because under the name of each specialist you will see the list of all the specialties that the doctor specializes in.
    If you have more questions let me know by sending an email with your question to

    Ellen Brightly
    Administrative Assistant
    Graves’ Disease Foundation
    400 International Drive
    Williamsville NY 14221
    Toll-free — (877) 643-3123

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