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  • hyperm
    Post count: 435

    Hey just googled the term for you and here it is:

    "A charley horse is a popular North American colloquial term for a painful bruise of the quadriceps muscle of the anterior or lateral thigh that commonly results in a muscular hematoma and sometimes several weeks of pain and disability.[1] Such an injury is known in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth countries (and also in the U.S.) as a dead leg.[2][3] In Australia it is also known as a corked thigh or "corkie".[4] It often occurs in sports when an athlete is struck by an opponent’s knee, in a manner like the kick of a horse, perhaps the reason for its name.
    The term "charley horse" is also used to describe simple painful muscle cramps in the leg or foot, especially those that follow strenuous exercise.[5][6][1] These muscle cramps can have many possible causes including hormonal imbalances, dehydration, low levels of potassium or calcium in the blood, side effects of medication, or more seriously, diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and neuropathy.[7] They are also a common complaint during pregnancy.[8]"

    HTH m x

    Post count: 144

    I went to my Endo yesterday and he was asking me about my current symptoms (DX GD8/07-currently hyper again, not in remission). He asked me out of the blue if I was having "Charlie Horses" at night or during the day? What is that about? Anyone know?

    Post count: 4

    I think charlie horses can be a hypo symptom. I had horrible charlie horses and muscle cramps after RAI and before I got started on synthroid.

    Post count: 1569

    That’d be my guess too ~ muscle cramps are a hypo symptom. Wouldn’t seem an appropriate time to ask you about them though….

    Post count: 11

    as much as I would like to believe that they are a hypo symptom, I have had them since my diagnosis in Jan. I am hyper. they are not fun, you know if you have them that is forsure!

    Post count: 34

    I have had Charlie horse cramps wake me up w/pain in the arch of my foot, or calf muscle, these past few months since being diagnosed w/GD. I thought it might be related somehow.

    If I eat a banana or have potatoes once a day, I don’t seem to have problems, so must be potassium related.

    Post count: 10

    This is just a guess, although charlie horses are more associated with hypo symptoms, I could conceivably understand how they could happen during hyperthyroidism too. I’ve had GD since 1993, so I don’t remember leg muscle cramps, but I do remember muscle atrophy. Cells are being built up and destroyed super fast when your hyperthyroid which usually leads to some muscle atrophy (or at least it did in me). I don’t know the exact connection to muscle cramps, but logically I could see the possibility…

    Good luck!

    Post count: 292

    I had muscle cramps (charlie horses) both hyper and hypo, and have them now all the time with normal thyroid levels but caused by autoimmune neuropathy, a nasty condition. So anyone who has these continue when thyroid levels are normalized should be sure to have their cause investigated further.

    Post count: 144

    Thanks for all the responses!! <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    Post count: 127

    I’ve had them also…they’ve started getting lighter…I thought maybe mine were from steroids also???? Anyone else had this problem when taking steroids?

    Post count: 3

    I began having these Charley Horse leg cramps right after I was diagnosed, a year ago and put onto PTU. I have asked my endo each and every time I see her if it could be related to the hyperthyroid or to the meds.. She tells me no. I never had these before meds, but it helps at night if I stretch out before I go to bed. Good luck, its a horrible pain to awake to!

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