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  • GravelyPam
    Post count: 4


    I was diagnosed in March and had RAI in late May. My levels dropped pretty drastically the last three-fours weeks. Boy, did I feel the change from hyper to hypo. NOt so good (gained almost 20 pounds, exhausted, sleep all the time, insane headaches) I have a few inquires.

    1. My endo started me on 125 synthroid 7 days ago. She said I would feel “a lot” better in a week. As I do feel a bit better, I’m still really, really super tired. Still can only just go to work, do a little house work and sleep. I know this is probably relative, but will I ever feel “normal?”

    2. Since all of this has happened, my muscles have deteriorated. I’m a 37-year-old woman. I have been on the heavier side my whole life, but always active (spinning, running, yoga) and muscular. I’m like a marshmallow now. And it’s quite strange to be so weak.

    3. What usually happens next? Is this the end of it—I monitor my levels and take synthroid?

    Thank you in advance for any feedback.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome! Hopefully, you will hear from others here who have had RAI, but a couple of general comments…

    Your initial dosage of replacement hormone should be, was your doctor’s best estimate, based on factors such as weight and age. Then you will have a follow up set of labs done in 4-6 weeks to determine if that is the correct dose for you. It *does* take several weeks before you know if that is the right dose, because it takes some time for thyroid hormone levels to build up in your body. If the next set of labs reveals that you are hypER or hypO, the doc will make an adjustment, and you will follow up in another few weeks. So it may take a few iterations before you find the exact dose that will keep your thyroid hormone levels in the normal range – and get you to feeling good again.

    Muscle weakness/loss is very common post-Graves’. You *can* re-build your strength, but be very careful to pace yourself and not try and do too much too soon, as this can potentially cause injury.

    Take care — and please keep us posted!

    Post count: 4

    Ah-ha! Thank you Kimberly.

    That makes sense. I never know what to ask when I’m at the doctors. I take a notepad with me too, then when “on-the-spot,” I have no idea what to ask.

    No wonder she said no strenuous exercise until she sees me next visit. I miss a good cardio workout so much. It always makes me feel better and I have not a workout since February.

    This is not the end of the road — I still have some adjusting to do.

    Ok, I can handle this.

    Thank you again!

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