I haven’t posted on here much, but I wanted to share my story.
I was diagnosed with GD about seven months ago, in August ’08. My symptoms weren’t bad, I just felt a little bit "funny" (shakiness, the occasional heart palpitation), so I went in for a physical and my thyroid levels were elevated. After saw an endo, I opted for RAI and did it the same week I was diagnosed. The RAI was very easy — the only side effect was the boredom of sitting around the house for a few days!
In December of 08 I went hypo, and for me that was probably the worst part. I had an endo appointment scheduled for early January, so I figured I could just wait it out, but in the meantime I was exhausted all the time, sleeping anytime I wasn’t at work, and every muscle in my body hurt. Fun stuff.
I started on Synthroid in January and started feeling a bit better within two weeks, and a LOT better within a month. As of my last endo appointment my levels are normal. Whoo!
So if you’re newly diagnosed, I just want to let you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you will get back to feeling normal again. Prayers for all of you struggling with this.