I just wanted to share some good thoughts. I have been dealing with Graves disease for a couple of years and with TED for the past year. Until I found the Graves Foundation and this forum, I felt alone and while I went online, never really got the answers I needed. I feel connected to people who know the challenges and all the uncertainty of this disease.
I earlier shared that I have a stressful job as an Assistant Principal in a Middle School. While supervising students, my light sensitivity and the wind have been horrible. The everyday stress of the job (never knowing what teenage problem, parent issue, teacher issue, and on and on will come through the door) leads to a constant high level of stress which cannot be good for an autoimmune response. Stress activates the immune system and mine is already through the roof. To add to that, my appearance has changed quite a bit. At my last Dr. appt, he said that my eyes have changed 5mm in the past year. There has been no change as a result of infusions of steroids. When I saw the CScan, my eye muscles were really plump and the Dr. says we need to wait at least 3 months until my next visit. I want these three months to be peaceful and healing. I have informed my HR department that I will step down next year but would stick it out.
Now for the good news. Recognizing my discomfort, my District Superintendent and my Assistant Superintendents of HR and Instruction, offered me a job in the District Offices for the remainder of the school year. I would never have asked for this but I believe that I will heal faster and hopefully get through this active phase of my disease. I have worked in my district for 28 years and have been a loyal employee but was heartened by the thoughtfulness and empathy I was given. I plan to use this opportunity to get back in balance. I will be able to walk at lunch, eat at regular times, get home at a decent time, and structure my day without constant interruptions that require me to negotiate between angry students and/or parents.
Time to heal
That is so good to hear, Barb. And I do hope you see some improvements, soon, with your eyes. The hot phase is such an ordeal.
That’s awesome Barb!
I wish you the best! You are in my thoughts.
That is really great! I cannot say the same about my employer through the years. From my own observations of co-workers when they had health issues, plus myself with the onset of TED, there was little empathy and understanding, in a work environment where one would expect a generous amount of both!
In a hospital! so glad about your wonderful work experience.
shirley -
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