In a word, YES!!
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I know how it feels, and it is NO fun. I used to tell people it felt like a train, and there was nothing I could do to stop the snarling monster I became.
One of our facilitators, Jake, used to tell a story that I loved ~ he would find himself in the middle of one of these tirades, he would be yelling at his family members, and in the middle of the tirade he would begin to yell "I LOVE YOU! I DON’T WANT TO YELL AT YOU!" I used that myself a few times. It really does break the tension and allow people around you to realize what’s going on ~ it is TRULY chemical sometimes.
Hi! Dont worry I am in the same boat. I was diagnosed about four months ago, and trust me the PMS is 100 times worse. You are already emtionally volatile with graves then add hormones to it and it can be a disaster. When I get like that I practice deep breathing techniques and it usually calms me down. I can laugh and cry at the same time, and still have no reason why.
Good luck try the deep breathing it works for me.
Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.
During the month most woman get moody when there cycle comes.
BUT, since being diagnosed with Grave’s Disease, the emotional symptoms have worsened. I find that at night I’m so angry I can’t sleep. I’m angry at the dumbest things. Other people better not touch me, talk to me and most definitely not argue with me. If they do..all hell breaks loose. I’m so agitated that I could spit nails. Then, when my cycle is over, the emotions symptoms become much better! This month has been exceptional hard becuase I have been dealnig with many family issues that are stressing me out. The more angry I get the faster my heart beats..the hotter I get …than the volcano explodes!ANY ONE else feel the same way around that time? I use to get moody before Graves but now I feel like shooting the first person who looks at me wrong!
I get so angry that the deep breathing just makes me feel worse. Punching something feels great! I’m actually saving money for a punching bag to hang in the basement.
I have been through a terrible divorce and haven’t actually had the time to look back and allow myself to really feel the hurt and allow myself to heal. I lost my new born baby in May of last year. My ex-husband beat the crap out of me ( while I was pregnant with landon) and left our three yr old son in the apartment unattended at night. So I left immediately and had to stay at a domestic violence shelter in order to get back to my family safely. I get to Michigan to find out that because my now ex-husband was in the military I couldn’t get a state lawyer so…I decided to take him to court on my own. I wanted justice for what he put me and our little three year old through. I had never stepped foot in a court room. So I stayed up many nights and poured over legal documents, made hundreds of phone calls and many trips to the court house for paper work and filing. I took him to court and got what I wanted and he looked like a fool. He has to see our son with police men present because he is facing criminal charges and a domestic violence charge for beating his girl friend.He was discharged from the military November 1st. So my son and I are safe and happy and I’m going to school to be a lawyer. But even though it ended well. I had to put this front on for so long. This front of a strong woman…a woman who had it together and could do it all. I didn’t want my ex to see how sick I was and how I really was struggling. Since I did that for so long I don’t know what to do now. I pushed down all the emotions so I could keep a clear head in court and keep strong so my little boy wouldn’t be scared. When my son Landon died, my ex didn’t even say he was sorry. He said he was happy he didn’t have any more kids with me. I lost the baby because the Grave’s was so bad and I didn’t know I had it …and the umbilical cord was around his neck. I’ve been through so much that I’m finally falling apart because I haven’t had time for ME! I would go to counseling but I can’t afford it. Any suggestions. I’m btwn churches so I don’t feel comfortable seeing a pastor right now.I won’t let ppl see me cry, I don’t know why. I guess deep down I don’t want people to think
( even family) that I don’t have it together like I usually do! But a good cry would make me feel better. So today, I simply locked the bathroom door…turned the shower on and cried for 30 min straight. I had to let it out. The emotion flood just keeps coming…it’s relentless. I’m praying for my period to end so I can fell better. I finally got an appt with an endo for the first time. Bad part is that I have to wait until February 10th. Good thing is I FINALLY HAVE AN APPT!I’m sorry for rambling but it fells good to write it out and see my emotions on paper…so to speak!
You sure have been through the wringer ~ you were wise to let yourself get it out, I’m sure that’ll help you turn a corner. Just being able to let it out, safely, is important. Everything you’ve been going through is so very stressful.
As far as finding counseling, you may have some kind of federal or state program that would allow you at least partial access to a therapist, so see what you can find out. In the meantime, be your own best friend ~ it’s really important that you find some time for YOU in the midst of all this chaos. You’ve already shown that you know what to do and how to make it happen when the chips are down. Honor yourself for that. Give yourself an ENORMOUS pat on the back. As we’ve mentioned recently, think of yourself as a Graves’ Warrior ~ it helps, words make a difference.
The punching bag may help you on MANY levels.
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Please stick around ~ we can be one of your cheapest sources of support and advice, and we’ve been there so you can trust us when we say you WILL get through this.
Sara – There is nothing worse in the world than for a mother to loose a child. I am so sorry. No wonder your female hormones are screaming at you – the woman in you is wounded.
There is a wonderful support group called Compassionate Friends for parents who have lost a child at any age. They are national and have meetings in most regions of the country.
One of my nursing students lost her 8 year old son on a Father’s Day tubing trip. She was the one who was doing CPR until the EMS got there. I cannot imagine her grief – or yours. I know she really, really felt the group helped her. I have referred many women to this group over the years. I have never heard anyone say anything bad about the experience. Here is their web site. http://www.compassionatefriends.org/
Ski and Cathy,
Thank you so much for just being here and the advice. Yesterday was just a bad day. Today IS BETTER! I feel better today than yesterday and any improvement is a step forward! I will look into the counseling and that group. the hard part is I don’t have a vehicle right now because it’s broken. I’m waiting to get paid so I can fix it. I felt a lot better just typing it all out. It reminds me it’s ok to feel the hurt and to be emotional. Thank you so much. Keep in touch. My personal e-mail is sosmundsen@yahoo.com. It’s better to just e-mail me with the private message option because I visit here everyday!
You both have a blessed day. Thanks again.
Keep typing and letting it out, and crying sometimes can be the release you need. My best friend lost a baby in September and I have watched what she is going through. Talk about it, it does help. It’s a challenge by itself being a single mother, plus everything else you have going on. Call your Endo back and see if they can sqeeze you in somewhere, it’s worth a try. I wish you nothing but the best and if you need to talk just start typing.Sara – It sounds like you have a plan. I think the Compassionate Friends site has "on-line" support groups – though I don’t know much about them. Keep typing – I think you are a huge survivor. Someone we can all learn from!
In a nutshell….ROID RAGE!!! Not steroid-thyroid. I am a witness and a sufferer. It does exist. I have experienced black outs, broken dishes, and two mile walks at 1 am trying to calm down from something said to me that didn’t hit me the right way. Be very careful and let your doctor know.
I started experiencing the same thing before I was diagnosed with Graves, and it was one of the symptoms that led my 4th new doctor in 3 years to check my thyroid levels.
I had the RAI 4 years ago, and it’s been a rough road getting to what I consider emotional stability. And it’s been a rough road to get my TSH stabilized
What was finally tried is 20 milligrams of prozac per day for the 14 days before my cycle. Having a Bi-Lateral tubal helped regulate my cycle, but if that isn’t an option ( I was 39 and didnt want to have kids) then starting the prozac 14 days after your cycle starts, might do the trick. This way if you arent always regular, you will still get relief.
This was discovered by accident by my Primary Care physician, and it has surprised a few doctors and an endocronologist that this is woking, but I assure you, it has been a God send!
I was not just having rages, I was experiencing severe depression, and sometimes felt suicidal.
I hope this response helps.Soulshine,
I’m glad that you found something that works for you. I have tried 2 different anti-depressants and you couldn’t pay me to try it again. They did nothing for me. It was like taking sugar pills. One time I tried Zoloft and I had a horrible reaction. I felt crazy. I have found that what works best for me is coping skills and quite time. It just goes to show you that everyone is so very different and so are their bodies. You gotta stick with what works for you. I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE BETTER!
I am due for my cycle again in a wk or 2. I’m praying that it’s significantly better than last month. That was HELL! My family hated me and I hated myself and felt I would never be normal again. Then it passed and I felt like my old self again. One good thing is I found that if I take a diuretic during my cycle it helps with the bloating and pain I have. I will figure this whole mess out with time.Best of luck to you.
Keep in touch.
OK GIRLS! I am once again starting to have all those TERRIBLE symptoms. My cycle is coming once again. I feel like SCREAMING and SCREAMING till my lungs explode. It is so unbelievable to me how your hormones can make your body go to extremes in certain situations like this. I start having symptoms 5 or so days before, so I started taking a diuretic and evening primrose oil a week before my cycle is due. This is the first month I have tried it…it really helps me. Oh and I take midol as soon as I get the physical symptoms and pain. I’m not sure why all three of these work so well too give me relief…but at this point…who cares as long as it helps.
Hey Girls,
I am feeling really good. Started my cycle yesterday. I actually have no pain and I’m happy! Go figure. I don’t think I will ever get what is going on with my body….it’s crazy! But I’m so glad I feel good. I see the endo for the first time tomorrow!
I lost the baby because the Grave’s was so bad and I didn’t know I had it …and the umbilical cord was around his neck.
i am truly sorry for your loss I m/c with 2 babies with graves disease. If you ever need to chat pm me at any time
M x
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