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  • raulg
    Post count: 2

    I am waiting for my registration. I have a question. I was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease. I am on 20 mg of Methimazole. I am a federal law enforcement agent and I am mandatory retirement on May 2015. I am concerned about returning back to work on March 2014. Can the government force me to leave due to this illness?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – If you have been on leave with the Family & Medical Leave act, my understanding is that you are entitled to your original job or to a comparable one when you are ready to return. Here’s more info from the Department of Labor:

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    Hopefully, others who have had personal experience with this issue will chime in as well. Take care!

    Post count: 2

    Thank you for the timely response.

    Post count: 398

    The employment question can get tricky. I have too make folders from patients (mostly male) and/or attorneys about folks that have been terminated over the years. Most of them are military–i.e. Federal employees.

    Usually, once Graves” is diagnosed and treated, things fall back into place reasonably quickly (not that most of us on here would agree, but we are the exceptions rather than the rule), Just make sure your bases arecovered–meaning that you have a GREAT endocrinologist, and a good working relationship with Human Resources.

    Take care,


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