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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    My understanding is that, in rare cases, PM can present as "regular" edema (rather than the classic "orange-rind" rash). I’m not sure how PM is confirmed ~ whether there’s a test for it other than visual cues. I seem to remember some kind of "punchout" biopsy that can be done, but I don’t recall the purpose. I’ve never experienced PM ~ I do get edema in one ankle but, for me, it has to do with a former sprain. With this affecting both legs, that’s unlikely in your case.

    I’m not sure whether it could have to do with coming off steroids ~ maybe someone else can weigh in on that. I don’t think it would be related to your thyroid function.

    Post count: 40

    I was wondering if regualr edema is associated either with graves or coming off corticosteroids? Both my legs have edema and reddened below the knee and my knees hurt when I bend them. I jsy had an echocariogram done today to see if there is anything going on with the heart. I don’t know the result yet but I did get the tech to tell me there was nothing to lose any sleep over. I realize a doc still had to read and interpret, but I am encouraged that my heart is ok. I have been having palpitations as well and ekg is fine. All tyroid tests are fine – except the anitbodies. This may be totally unrelated to graves or coming off the steroids, but thoought I’d ask. Maybe it’s just gettin golder and being overweight and out of shape.

    Post count: 292

    I’ve had edema since the start of my Graves’ Disease, and my endocrinologist says that’s not uncommon. At times my legs and feet swell so large they look like elephant’s legs. I’ve had heart testing and kidney function tests, and tests on the veins of my legs, and all are normal, so the doctors have found no cause other than GD for my edema. The worst forms last for a couple of months and then go away without explanation, but can actually cause me to gain from 7-10 pounds while it’s going on. I don’t have the orange-rind rash, so whether or not this is pretibial myxedema, I don’t know.

    Do you have TED? If you don’t have fairly advanced TED, then it’s unlikely that you would have PM either.

    Post count: 435

    I’ve had edema since the start of my Graves’ Disease, and my endocrinologist says that’s not uncommon

    Like Dianne I started to have retention and oedema, I was on the blocking treatment (thyroxine and carbimazole). My hubby and mum said that some days my face was so swollen. I had to go up a size in shoe and luckily my dad is a jeweller so was able to give me a cheap wedding band to wear when my hands were so swollen.

    It is a side of effect of the meds if you read up on them. My first endo whom I worked on the wards with was hopeless but when I changed he agreed it was the meds etc….

    The best thing is to put your feet up when you can and also if you have a caring partner get them to rub your legs and feet.

    Its not a nice feeling. If you are having pitting oedema then I would mention to your endo.

    m x

    Post count: 40

    Still waitng for results of the echo but started on diuretics – lasix or something. Boy did I havae to go to the bathroom a lot today. I hope i shed some pounds of water. i an hoping that this is a temporary and not something smore serious. GD is serious enough, so i am also hoping that this is not something i will have to live with off and on the rest of my life. I do have TED as well. I feel like hell.

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