I’ve seen this show (Dr House) a couple of times. I wrote down as best I could a little part of one of the shows —
“Cameron: Could be Graves Disease. Extreme hyperthyroid disease leads to systemic problems including numbness, vision loss and cardiac arrest.House: Smart move. We should fry the thyroid before it fries him.
Taub: Uh… I know it’s more exciting this way, but shouldn’t we confirm you’re right before destroying one of the most important glands in his body?
House: If that gland has drawn a bulls eye on his heart, then no.
***Cameron: Nuking his thyroid puts him at risk for vascular lesions and all kinds of cancer. Protocol says we should do an iodine uptake test.”***
End quote – I had my thyroid nuked about 10 years ago. I get my blood tested every 6 months and overall I feel and test fine. I tried looking for stuff supporting this Dr House quote (higher rates of some cancer – Vascular stuff) and MY BEST GUESS is although they don’t say it – they mean if you have your thyroid nuked AND DON’T get the thyroid levels correct (with meds) that THEN you have higher risks … I know just a show so maybe complete BS. BUT –
Have I missed something in my studies and could I try to and watch for possible types of cancers and vascular problems etc if my TSH and T4 levels are normal etc. I have lost all eye problems about 6 months after nuking and have no symptoms of anything I know of for almost decade …
Thanks So Much For Your TimeHello – Sorry, had an issue approving this post (operator error on my end!), which is why it is showing as “edited”. The original post should still be intact.
First of all, I suppose that it doesn’t make for compelling television if you take the time to explain that there are actually three treatment options for Graves’: Anti-Thyroid Drugs, RAI, and Surgery!
Uncontrolled hypERthyroidism *or* hypOthryoidism can eventually lead to heart complications. However, I have never heard of the “vascular lesions” issue.
One of the larger studies on cancer & RAI involved 35,000 patients who were followed for 20+ years. This study indicated no increased risk of death from cancer. A couple of smaller studies have noted a slightly increased risk of specific types of cancer following RAI.
We’re not doctors here, just fellow patients, but personally I wouldn’t worry if you are 10 years out, getting levels checked regularly, and feeling great!
Thanks – I thought it was fictional TV as far as any immediate need to nuke the thyroid over heart stuff. When I was diagnoised I had just gone thru a thyroid storm (no sleep 3 days, heart skipping beats for months and for 12 hours before a trip to the hospital heart racing at 220 beats for the whole 12 hours etc) and even then they didn’t think of any immediate need to do anything
other than medicate me in ICU (beta blocker besides PTU etc).When I first got this treated I’d read a few books and did some internet research – was just wondering if there was new stuff or stuff I haven’t found out about etc about things I might watch out for or pro-actively do things to minimize risks as far as complications after radiation and correct medicine dosing. From what I have read I am thankful that overall things seem pretty close to normal for me for now.
House is one of the least accurate Medical dramas on TV. Sure, they call certain diseases by the correct names, but the way they go about testing and treating is not done in any reputable medical institution.
I used to be a PA, and had to leave my career. I get my “medical fix” watching some of these shows, and some are more realistic than others. House, does not qualify here. It can be entertaining, and throw out some facts with the drama, but please do not use it as a basis for medical decisions.
Sorry that you had to see that and get yourself so stressed.
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