YOU WILL GET THERE!! Hang in, we know how you feel ~ take it easy wherever you can, let others help you, know that this will be behind you in time! It may take more time than you’d like (it always does, we want to feel better yesterday, don’t we?), but you will cross the bridge and return to health, I PROMISE.
” title=”Very Happy” />
Hey Guys,
I’m feeling a little down today, just needed someone to tell me everthing is gonna be alright, i am still tring to work, but sometime i am so tried and they just keep adding to my health issues. please feel free to e-mail me at lmtbj@localnet.com or home address is l stegall, 729 hwy 350, wynne, arkansas 72396.
please everyone keep me in your prayes.
Sorry you are having a down day. I’ve had plenty of them too in the last three years…… You can rest assured that when we say we’ve been there on this board, we really have. Have you had a good cry today? I ask because when I was really down I found that after I cried those "feel better" hormones kicked in and I got a little boost. It also seemed to help me clear my emotional palate for a while. Are you taking any Vitamin D? I know that when I started taking enough I did start to feel better in some ways; seemed to be able to handle some issues better. I already have osteoporosis due to the hyperthyroid state I was in for so long. If you have a chance at your next labs, ask your Dr. to check your D levels.
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For what it’s worth, I had a slightly different method of "attack" on down days, Linda. I kept a couple of comedies handy on DVD or VHS. These were shows/movies that were guaranteed to make me laugh. When I would get really down, I would put one of them on. Laughing always made me feel better, and helped to put things into perspective. I must have watched "Jumping Jack Flash" and Cosby’s "By Himself" a dozen times or more, EACH. In fact I still use the technique: I had to have a tooth pulled this week, and I used it again when I started to feel sorry for myself.
I hope you’re feeling better soon.
can I relate!!!! I have had graves for years but didn’t start treatment until about 5 months ago. I had hard time with anti graves meds allergic problems about 6 weeks ago had throid surgery it was a great answer for me … been treated with synthroid and last week finally got to feel normal again and started my regular activities again slowly ha ha anyway was so depressed and apathtic for a time before and after surgery was feeling hopeless and thought I might never get back to normal again everyone told me to be patient but that is very hard when you are type A personality like me but I am sooo happy to be better and back to my life!!!!! was practically in bed for 4 monthes ugh!!!! Try and keep your head up and look towards the time when you will regain your health…god bless and thanks all on the web page for their help…
I agree with what everyone has said, especially a good cry and comedies!!! George Carlin is great to watch too (if you like foul mouthed comedians who tell it like it is!). He’s saved me from the crazy house on more than one occasion!
Good luck to you! Things WILL get better!
” title=”Very Happy” />
Agree with all comments.
To Cynthia-you are a POSTER CHILD for being in the depths in every way only 4-5 months ago. I am SO SO happy for you that you are progressing so nicely, and feeling so so so much better! Try reading your beginning posts! You could barely write, you were so fatigued, and so discouraged!
Shirley -
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